January 2016
Batalha de Freestyle em Peruíbe / 23-24 January / Peruíbe, SP, Brazil
Challenge Breizh Roller Freestyle / 24 January / Lesneven, France
Yamakasi 2016 / 31 January / Beaulieu sous Bressuire, France
February 2016 
2 Slalom Open Hameln / 6 - 7 February / Hameln, Germany
Octopus 4 / 7 February / Brest, France
Acro Foly's 2016 / 28 February / Chartres, France
Plab Roller Challenge 2016 / 28 February / Plabennec, France
March 2016
SUNRIde Challenge / 6 March / Saint Nazaire, France
Skate Opening / 6 March / Schiffweiler, Germany
Freestyle Challenge La Crèche / 13 March / La Crèche, France
Spring Blue Bear 2016 / 19 March / Kętrzyn, Poland
Lima Battle Summer/ 20 March / Lima, Peru
Carhaix Poher Roller Style / 20 March / Carhaix, France 
Acrocéan 2016 / 26 - 27 March / Pornichet, France
Freestyle Cup Vladimir / 26 - 27 March / Vladimir, Russia
April 2016
Lyon Roller Slalom contest / 2 - 3 April / Lyon, France
Back to the Freestyle / 9 - 10 April / Santiago, Chile
Starter Challenge JP the Boss / 10 April / Roscoff, France
Chugoku / 10 April / Shikoku region tournament in Yamaguchi, Japan
Kanto / 17 April / Koshinetsu region tournament in Yokohama, Japan
Spanish Slalom Series / 16 - 17 April / Cáceres, Spain
Bitwy Swidermajerowe / 17 April / Otwock, Poland
Namwon Korea Open 2016 / 22-24 April / Namwon, Korea
Oaks Park Seattle 2016 / 23 - 24 April / Portland, Oregon, USA
Postponed! Angers Challenge roller freestyle / 24 April / Angers, France
Postponed! Somma Battle 2016 / 24 April / Somma Vesuviana (NA), Italy
Singha Extreme Sports Thailand Circuit / 30 April - 1 May / Hatyai, Thailand
Tarn Roller Contest / 30 April - 1 May / Castres, France 
May 2016
Acrocool / 1 May / Thouars, France
  WSSA Judge Course / 3 - 5 May / Sofia, Bulgaria
Montana Spring Session 7 / 6 - 8 May / Montana, Bulgaria
Inline Spring / 7 - 8 May / Voronezh, Russia
Tokai / 8 May / Hokuriku region tournament in Hamamatsu, Japan
Bugstylcup / 14 - 15 May / Saint Médard en Jalles, France
Rennes sur roulettes 2016 / 21 - 22 May / Rennes, France
Battle Kętrzyn FSK / 21 - 22 May / Kętrzyn, Poland
Hikarigaoka CUP / 22 May / Tokyo, Japan
  WSSA Judge Course / 24 - 25 May / Kuching, Malaysia
ASEAN Freestyle Skating Championship 2016 / 27 - 28 May / Kuching, Malaysia
Postponed! GOX Series - Roller Sports Starter 2016 / 29 May / Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Сanceled! Freestyle Battle / 29 May / Hannover, Germany
Freestyle Cup Yaroslavl / 30 - 31 May / Yaroslavl, Russia
June 2016
4º CPFC / 4 - 5 June / Curitiba, PR, Brazil
Ryazan Open Cup 2016 / 4-5 June / Ryazan, Russia
Rezé Waffle Challenge 2 / 5 June / Rezé, France
3rd Singha Freestyle Circuit 2016 / 10 - 12 June / Buriram, Thailand 
Belarus Slalom Series 2016 / 11 - 12 June / Minsk, Belarus
Rollercup Battle 2016 / 10 - 12 June / Monza, Italy
Czech Freestyle World Cup / 16 - 19 June / Přerov, Czech Republic
Spanish Slalom Series / 18 - 19 June / Vigo, Spain
Kinki / 19 June / Kinki region tournament in Kobe, Japan
Hyde Park Battle 2016 / 25 June / London, United Kingdom
Russian Championships 2016 / 25 - 26 June / Moscow, Russia
Battle Otwock 2016 / 25-26 June / Otwock, Poland
July 2016
French Freestyle Championships / 2 - 3 July / Bressuire, France
Saratov Style Contest / 2 - 3 July / Saratov, Russia
Rollerclub Cup 2016 / 8 - 10 July / Moscow, Russia
2016 USARS Slalom Nationals / 12 -13 July / Lincoln, Nebraska, USA
Battle Extreme 2016 / 16 - 17 July / Eastbourne, UK
PSWC 2016 / 21 - 24 July / Paris, France
Xichang International Skating Open / 22 - 24 July / Xichang, China
Inline Games 2016 / 29 - 31 July / Berlin, Germany
Bengkulu Open International / 30 - 31 July / Bengkulu, Indonesia
August 2016
Samara cup / 6 - 7 August / Samara, Russia
MARSHAL CUP / 11-12 August / Tehran, Iran
Winter is Coning II / 13 - 14 August / Santiago, Chile
Freestyle Salvador / 13 - 14 August / Salvador, BA - Brazil
Rolling Fest / 13 - 14 August / Astrahan, Russia
Peru Slalom Series Championship / 21 August / San Isidro, Peru
Freestyle Battle SP 2 / 27 - 28 August / São Paulo, SP, BA - Brazil
September 2016 
Zhongning International Skating Open / 2 - 5 September / Zhongning, China
Spanish Slalom Series / 3 - 4 September / Ciudad Real, Spain
Munich Fun Battle / 10 - 11 September / Munich, Germany
Battle of Baden / 24 September / Karlsruhe, Germany
Campeonato de Freestyle no PARÁ / 25 September / Ananindeua, PA - Brazil
Lugdunum Roller Contest / 25 September / Lyon, France
Busto Battle 2016 / 30 September - 2 October / Busto Arsizio, Italy
October 2016
Inline Challenge / 1 -2 October / Yokohama, Japan
  EFSC 2016 / 6 - 9 October / Ciudad Real, Spain
Battle Almost Bremen 3 / 15 - 16 October / Lilienthal, Germany
Shanghai Slalom Open / 13 - 16 October / Shanghai, China
Jogja Slalom Series 2016 / 21 - 23 October / Yogyakarta, Indonesia
REC BATTLE 2 / 22 - 23 October / Recife, PE - Brazil
TiTaNo BaTTLe / 23 October / San Marino
LigneRoll's Cup / 23 October / Saint Christophe du Ligneront, France
  Asian Skating Championship / 23 October - 1 November / Lishui, China
November 2016
Rzeszów Slalom Battle 2016 / 5 - 6 November / Rzeszów, Poland
World Freestyle Skating Championships / 17 - 21 November / Bangkok, Thailand
Angers Challenge / 20 November / Angers, France
Wuyishan International Skating Festival / 26 - 27 November / Wuyishan, China
December 2016 
Ride on Jalles / 3-4 December / St Médard en Jalles, France
Somma Battle 2016 / 3 - 4 December / Naples, Italy
5ta Copa Battle Chile / 10 - 11 December / Santiago, Chile
Polish Freestyle Slalom Championship 2016 / 10-11 December / Otwock, Poland
Berlin X-Mas-Slalom 2016 / 17 - 18 December / Berlin, Germany
San Marino National Roller championship / 18 December / San Marino
Singapore National Freestyle Skating Championship / 18 December / Singapore
X-Mas Olomouc + Czech Championship / 27 December / Olomouc, Czech Republic
Starter Events / 1st place = 50 pts / Restricted entries to national competitors only or open to international competitors / Informal events / Local judges
Local Events / 1st place = 100 pts / Restricted entries to national competitors only or open to international competitors / Little events
Prime Events / 1st place = 200 pts / No Minimum year of organisation / open to international competitors / No minimum Prize / No Maximum per Year per Continent
Main Events / 1st place = 300 pts / Minimum 2nd year of Organisation / open to international competitors / Minimum Prize Money = ???? / Big City or Secondary city (Close from International Airport) Maximum 5 per Year / Continent (5 Europe / 5 Asia / 1 America)


January 2016
  Batalha de Freestyle em Peruíbe / 23-24 January / Peruíbe, SP, Brazil
February 2016 
March 2016
Carhaix Poher Roller Style / 20 March / Carhaix, France 
Acrocéan 2016 / 26 - 27 March / Pornichet, France
Freestyle Cup Vladimir / 26 - 27 March / Vladimir, Russia
April 2016
Back to the Freestyle / 9 - 10 April / Santiago, Chile
Spanish Slalom Series / 16 - 17 April / Cáceres, Spain
Postponed! Somma Battle 2016 / 24 April / Somma Vesuviana (NA), Italy
Singha Extreme Sports Thailand Circuit / 30 April - 1 May / Hatyai, Thailand
May 2016
Inline Spring / 7 - 8 May / Voronezh, Russia
Pincio Jump & Slide 2016 / 14 - 15 May / Rome, Italy 
ASEAN 2016 / 27 - 28 May / Kuching, Malaysia
June 2016
4º CPFC / 4 - 5 June / Curitiba, PR, Brazil
Ryazan Open Cup 2016 / 4-5 June / Ryazan, Russia
Belarus Slalom Series 2016 / 11 - 12 June / Minsk, Belarus
Czech Freestyle World Cup / 16 - 19 June / Přerov, Czech Republic
Spanish Slalom Series / 18 - 19 June / Vigo, Spain
Russian Championships 2016 / 25 - 26 June / Moscow, Russia
Battle Otwock 2016 / 25-26 June / Otwock, Poland
July 2016
Saratov Style Contest / 2 - 3 July / Saratov, Russia
Rollerclub Cup 2016 / 8 - 10 July / Moscow, Russia
2016 USARS Slalom Nationals / 12 -13 July / Lincoln, Nebraska, USA
Battle Extreme 2016 / 16 - 17 July / Eastbourne, UK
PSWC 2016 / 21 - 24 July / Paris, France
Xichang International Skating Open / 22 - 24 July / Xichang, China
Inline Games 2016 / 29 - 31 July / Berlin, Germany
Bengkulu Open International / 30 - 31 July / Bengkulu, Indonesia
August 2016
Samara cup / 6 - 7 August / Samara, Russia
MARSHAL CUP / 11-12 August / Tehran, Iran
Winter is Coning II / 13 - 14 August / Santiago, Chile
Freestyle Salvador / 13 - 14 August / Salvador, BA - Brazil
Rolling Fest / 13 - 14 August / Astrahan, Russia
Freestyle Battle SP 2 / 27 - 28 August / São Paulo, SP, BA - Brazil
September 2016
Spanish Slalom Series / 3 - 4 September / Ciudad Real, Spain
Zhongning International Skating Open / 2 - 5 September / Zhongning, China
Campeonato de Freestyle no PARÁ / 25 September / Ananindeua, PA - Brazil
Busto Battle 2016 / 30 September - 2 October / Busto Arsizio, Italy
October 2016
  EFSC 2016 / 6 - 9 October / Ciudad Real, Spain
Shanghai Slalom Open / 13 - 16 October / Shanghai, China
REC BATTLE 2 / 22 - 23 October / Recife, PE - Brazil
TiTaNo BaTTLe / 23 October / San Marino
  Asian Skating Championship / 23 October - 1 November / Lishui, China
November 2016
World Freestyle Skating Championships / 17 - 21 November / Bangkok, Thailand
Wuyishan International Skating Festival / 26 - 27 November / Wuyishan, China
December 2016
Somma Battle 2016 / 3 - 4 December / Naples, Italy
5ta Copa Battle Chile / 10 - 11 December / Santiago, Chile
San Marino National Roller championship / 18 December / San Marino
Singapore National Freestyle Skating Championship / 18 December / Singapore


January 2016
Batalha de Freestyle em Peruíbe / 23-24 January / Peruíbe, SP, Brazil
Challenge Breizh Roller Freestyle / 24 January / Lesneven, France
February 2016
Acro Foly's 2016 / 28 February / Chartres, France
March 2016
SUNRIde Challenge / 6 March / Saint Nazaire, France
Lima Battle Summer/ 20 March / Lima, Peru
Acrocéan 2016 / 26 - 27 March / Pornichet, France
Freestyle Cup Vladimir / 26 - 27 March / Vladimir, Russia
April 2016
Lyon Roller Slalom contest / 2 - 3 April / Lyon, France
Back to the Freestyle / 9 - 10 April / Santiago, Chile
Starter Challenge JP the Boss / 10 April / Roscoff, France
Paname Free Jump / 16 - 17 April / Paris, France
Spanish Slalom Series / 16 - 17 April / Cáceres, Spain
Bitwy Swidermajerowe / 17 April / Otwock, Poland
Postponed! Angers Challenge roller freestyle / 24 April / Angers, France
Tarn Roller Contest / 30 April - 1 May / Castres, France 
May 2016
Acrocool / 1 May / Thouars, France
Inline Spring / 7 - 8 May / Voronezh, Russia
Bugstylcup / 14 - 15 May / Saint Médard en Jalles, France
Pincio Jump & Slide 2016 / 14 - 15 May / Rome, Italy 
Battle Kętrzyn FSK / 21 - 22 May / Kętrzyn, Poland
Rennes sur roulettes 2016 / 21 - 22 May / Rennes, France
June 2016
4º CPFC / 4 - 5 June / Curitiba, PR, Brazil
Ryazan Open Cup 2016 / 4-5 June / Ryazan, Russia
Rezé Waffle Challenge 2 / 5 June / Rezé, France 
Belarus Slalom Series 2016 / 11 - 12 June / Minsk, Belarus
Rollercup Battle 2016 / 10 - 12 June / Monza, Italy
Czech Freestyle World Cup / 16 - 19 June / Přerov, Czech Republic
Spanish Slalom Series / 18 - 19 June / Vigo, Spain
Hyde Park Battle 2016 / 25 June / London, United Kingdom
Championnat de France de Freeride / 25 - 26 June / Bordeaux, France
Russian Championships 2016 / 25 - 26 June / Moscow, Russia
Battle Otwock 2016 / 25-26 June / Otwock, Poland
July 2016
Saratov Style Contest / 2 - 3 July / Saratov, Russia
Rollerclub Cup 2016 / 8 - 10 July / Moscow, Russia
2016 USARS Slalom Nationals / 12 -13 July / Lincoln, Nebraska, USA
Battle Extreme 2016 / 16 - 17 July / Eastbourne, UK
PSWC 2016 / 21 - 24 July / Paris, France
Inline Games 2016 / 29 - 31 July / Berlin, Germany
August 2016
Samara cup / 6 - 7 August / Samara, Russia
Winter is Coning II / 13 - 14 August / Santiago, Chile
Freestyle Salvador / 13 - 14 August / Salvador, BA - Brazil

Rolling Fest / 13 - 14 August / Astrahan, Russia

Peru Slalom Series Championship / 21 August / San Isidro, Peru
Freestyle Battle SP 2 / 27 - 28 August / São Paulo, SP, BA - Brazil
September 2016
Spanish Slalom Series / 3 - 4 September / Ciudad Real, Spain
Battle of Baden / 24 September / Karlsruhe, Germany
Campeonato de Freestyle no PARÁ / 25 September / Ananindeua, PA - Brazil

Busto Battle 2016 / 30 September - 2 October / Busto Arsizio, Italy
October 2016
  EFSC 2016 / 6 - 9 October / Ciudad Real, Spain
REC BATTLE 2 / 22 - 23 October / Recife, PE - Brazil
LigneRoll's Cup / 23 October / Saint Christophe du Ligneront, France
November 2016
Rzeszów Slalom Battle 2016 / 5 - 6 November / Rzeszów, Poland
World Freestyle Skating Championships / 17 - 21 November / Bangkok, Thailand
Angers Challenge / 20 November / Angers, France
December 2016
Ride on Jalles / 3-4 December / St Médard en Jalles, France
Somma Battle 2016 / 3 - 4 December / Naples, Italy
5ta Copa Battle Chile / 10 - 11 December / Santiago, Chile
Polish Freestyle Slalom Championship 2016 / 10-11 December / Otwock, Poland
Coupe régionale Freestyle 2017 / 18 December / Mans, France


January 2016
February 2016 
March 2016
April 2016
Chugoku / 10 April / Shikoku region tournament in Yamaguchi, Japan
Kanto / 17 April / Koshinetsu region tournament in Yokohama, Japan
Spanish Slalom Series / 16 - 17 April / Cáceres, Spain
Namwon Korea Open 2016 / 22-24 April / Namwon, Korea
May 2016
Singha Extreme Sports Thailand Circuit / 30 April - 1 May / Hatyai, Thailand
Tokai / 8 May / Hokuriku region tournament in Hamamatsu, Japan
ASEAN Freestyle Skating Championship 2016 / 27 - 28 May / Kuching, Malaysia
June 2016
Spanish Slalom Series / 18 - 19 June / Vigo, Spain
Kinki / 19 June / Kinki region tournament in Kobe, Japan
July 2016
PSWC 2016 / 21 - 24 July / Paris, France
Xichang International Skating Open / 22 - 24 July / Xichang, China
Bengkulu Open International / 30 - 31 July / Bengkulu, Indonesia
August 2016
September 2016 
Spanish Slalom Series / 3 - 4 September / Ciudad Real, Spain
Zhongning International Skating Open / 2 - 5 September / Zhongning, China
Busto Battle 2016 / 30 September - 2 October / Busto Arsizio, Italy
October 2016
Inline Challenge / 1 -2 October / Yokohama, Japan
  EFSC 2016 / 6 - 9 October / Ciudad Real, Spain
Shanghai Slalom Open / 13 - 16 October / Shanghai, China
Jogja Slalom Series 2016 / 21 - 23 October / Yogyakarta, Indonesia
  Asian Skating Championship / 23 October - 1 November / Lishui, China
November 2016
World Freestyle Skating Championships / 17 - 21 November / Bangkok, Thailand
Wuyishan International Skating Festival / 26 - 27 November / Wuyishan, China
December 2016 
Polish Freestyle Slalom Championship 2016 / 10-11 December / Otwock, Poland


Starter Events / 1st place = 50 pts / Restricted entries to national competitors only or open to international competitors / Informal events / Local judges
Local Events / 1st place = 100 pts / Restricted entries to national competitors only or open to international competitors / Little events
Prime Events / 1st place = 200 pts / No Minimum year of organisation / open to international competitors / Maximum 5 per Year per Continent
Main Events / 1st place = 300 its / Minimum 2nd year of Organisation / open to international competitors / Big City or Secondary city (Close from International Airport). Maximum 10 per year worldwide.