By Close Yr E’s
In 2010, the World Slalom Series were particularly present in Europe and Asia, but also in North and South America, Oceania and Africa. With 68 events organized in 23 different countries and competitors with 44 different nationalities, the World Slalom Series keep on spreading and enthusiasts are more and more numerous to join the troops:
The number of participants is still growing, though in the end the increase is (slightly) less important than last year’s: only +21,9% in freestyle (compared to +28,8% in 2009) and +22,8% in speed (compared to +35% in 2009).
► Women – This slowdown is mainly due to the limited increase of the number of new recruits in the female category: whereas 2009 witnesses an exceptional increase with the girls doubling their number (+41,4% compared to 2008 in Freestyle, and +51,6% in Speed) to end up with 222 freestylers and 144 speed-slalom skaters, in 2010 girls only gained +12,6% in freestyle (250 participants) and 18,1% in Speed (170 participants).
► Men – For the Men’s category, curves are more constant, increasing around +25% to reach 737 freestylers (against 588 last year, and 472 in 2008) and 493 Speed-slalom skaters (against 396 last year and 305 in 2008).
Evolution of the Top-10!
► It is just as if the Top-10 had been spending the year playing Musical Chairs… and apparently everybody is not fond of this game: Four skaters of the 2009 final Top-10 got thrown out towards the Top-20: Dmitry Shevarutin (Rus) is hanging on to place #20, Lan Wang Heng (Chn) is relegated from rank #9 to #16 – his withdraw because of a back injury in JeonJu costs him dearly. His compatriot Zeng Jian Bo goes down from rank #4 to #18, and our national Xuan Le has flown off towards new horizons.
► The four successors, not even in the Top-20 last year, are none others than Pu Hao Yang (Chn, Battle World Champion) and Li Jin Xi (Chn, Classic World Champion), who get places #3 and #4, and Lee Choon Goon (Kor, who reached the finals of the PSWC and ChunCheon) and Kim Tae Bin (Kor, Kim Sung Jin’s jam partner) at places #9 and #10.
► The six remaining skaters from last year have switched places: Kim Sung Jin (Kor) (3rd last year) gets the title back from Martin Sloboda (Ger) who goes down to place #2; Igor Cheremetieff (Fra) (2nd last year), passed by the two Chinese champions, finds himself at place #5, just like Rudy Op’t Veld (Ger) who goes down from #5 to #8… Liao Jie (Chn) and Guo Fang (Chn) gain both two places and become world #6 and #7.
Men’s 2010 Final Top-10
- Kim Sung Jin (Kor)
- Martin Sloboda (Ger)
- Pu Hao Yang (Chn)
- Li Jin Xi (Chn)
- Igor Cheremetieff (Fra)
- Liao Jie (Chn)
- Guo Fang (Chn)
- Rudy Op't Veld (Ger)
- Lee Choon Goon (Kor)
- Kim Tae Bin (Kor)

It took two years to Kim Sung Jin, Freestyle #1 and Speed #3, to get back to his former ranking, slowly but surely, after his 2008 break. He is back at the top of the Freestyle World Ranking, and with a bonus 3rd place at the Speed-slalom ranking! His flexibility impressed and surprised so much the skaters that most of them have elected him Skater of the Year!
Q: What are your feelings about your performances during 2010?
KSJ: In a rough way, I'm satisfied because I got back W.R No.1 and did a good job in some competitions. I also got some records of Triple-Gold in some competitions, and KTB and me conquered all the Pair Slalom Categories in 2010.
If there is one thing I feel lacking, I couldn't show the audience my best at the WFSC. I did some mistakes in Classic: I forgot my routine in the end of my run so changed my routine wrongly. That was why I failed not only following the music but also doing the final trick. Fyi, I got 3rd place in WFSC.
However, I want to take it positively. I think it could be a good stimulant for 2011 Season and I believe that it helps me endeavor more to achieve what I want.
So I’m roughly satisfied with my results in 2010.
Q: Who is the Freestyler of the Year?
KSJ: I think Li Jin Xi, from China, is the skater of the year because he got the champion in WFSC and he inspired me of something new.
He gave me the fan he used for his run just after WFSC, saying that his run was inspired from me. Even if he was inspired from me, he also inspired me with his run so I think I found a good rival and friend, and we will keep on inspiring each other in the future.
Q: What are your goals for next season?
KSJ: My objectives are to find a balance between Studies and Slalom in 2011. This year (2011), I will be a sophomore in my university so I have to study hard but I will also take part in competitions. I have to make a choice: either “To be a good student that I could be a bad slalomer” or “To be a good slalomer that I could be a bad student”
However, I will try my best not to be “a bad student or a bad slalomer” and to be “a good student & a good slalomer”.

Martin Sloboda, who managed to keep the title to himself for a whole year, had to give it up last September, during the home stretch of a frantic season full of duels: He and KSJ kept on exchanging first places on the podiums from one competition to the other…
Q: What are your feelings about your 2010 performances?
MS: As I entered the 2010 season leading the WSSA World Ranking I tried to defend my title. But as your rivals never rest it’s difficult to constantly keep up a hardcore-based training for more than 3 years, also when you have school and other stuff around.
But all in all I’m happy with my performances in 2010. I still won a lot of titles again and especially the “European Champion” title for the second time in row.
As I said, I’m proud and happy of my performances but, as a lot of people might already know me, it’s not perfect and I will keep trying to make it better. ;)
Q: Who is the Freestyler of the Year?
MS: In my opinion, the Freestyle slalom skater of the year 2010 is Rudy Op’t Veld: he really impressed me with his fluent style and his special way of skating… Also because, without him it wouldn’t be easy to pass all the time at all the competitions. But there was one special performance in the final of the Inline Games in Berlin, where he showed that he knows how to roll ;) This impressed me a lot.
Q: What are your goals for 2011?
MS: Get back my world number one title again, of course =) No seriously, I will try to fight hard again and do my best. My two crazes for this upcoming season are, firstly, trying to win the European title a 3rd time and secondly, trying to get my world number one title back. As I already said, your rivals never rest and it definitely won’t be an easy game again =) But also, I have to study harder and it will be more and more difficult to do all those competitions and to improve my level. I also want to travel to places I’ve never been to before. So that would be another objective for 2011 ;)
All in all, I wish to have great fun again with all my friends around the world!

…But a little newbie is having a go at the titans’ ring – he may seem young and defenseless but don’t judge a book by its cover, his mastering is such as it is indescribable… and he let the two everlasting pretenders speechless as he walked off with the Battle world title before their very eyes. This title is the cherry on the cake after a season reaching its crescendo for this Junior who is just starting to play in the big league…
Q: What are your feelings about your 2010 performances?
PHY: My performances were average this year. And except for ChunCheon which was not very good, the rest was ok.
Until now, I belonged to the Junior Category, so I didn’t have a lot of pressure and it was easy to get the best ranking. During the Classic at the world championships, I had no stress and this is maybe why my performance was not that good… I didn’t manage to do my tricks well enough and I was too slow, but I managed to keep my skating to the music.
I still don’t really master some basic tricks like the wheeling wiper and the toe footgun, which was not low enough – I’m still far from Igor’s.
I really loved the Battle competition, it was great. It would have been even better if I had been more familiar with the rules, but my result was not so bad.
All in all I’m satisfied with my performances this year but I have to keep on training and improve my technique, I’m far from my goal! Keep on rolling!
Q: Who is the Freestyler of the Year?
PHY: The best of the best is Li Jin Xi!
Q: What are your goals for next year?
PHY: My goals for 2011
- Improving the speed and amplitude of my tricks in freestyle
- Managing my speed-slalom in 5 sec
- More creativity and technical difficulty for battles
- Getting better at pair slalom.

Li Jin Xi is the brand-new Classic world champion. Unlike Pu Hao Yang who is having a go at every category, Li Jin Xi is a specialist in Classic. Battle and speed are less his thing… but what he does, he does it (very) well!
Q: What do you think about your performances in 2010?
LJX: I tried my best to manage all the technical tricks I knew. It’s a good point that my tricks are quite traditional but I’m lacking diversity.
I can very well handle the pressure during competitions, and in-between each competition I change a bit the management of my tricks.
During the world championships, lots of people believed in my, and I need to thank them, I didn’t have the opportunity yet… the best way I can thank my fans is through my skating.
Q: Who is the Freestyler of the Year?
LJX: Kim Sung Jin.
Q: What are your goals for next season?
LJX: Widening my the diversity of my tricks, communicating more, speeding up the execution of my tricks… and managing to find a combo that could wake up the dead └(^o^)┘!

Igor Cheremetieff ends up the season with a flourish reaching the Battle final of the world championships in JeonJu, after a chaotic year due to an injury which cost him three months and a wrist. Despite a break in the heat of the season, he manages to remain in the Freestyle Top-5.
Q: What do you think about your 2010 performances?
IC: I did not so good results in many events and logically my ranking dropped to the 5th place but I'm very happy with my performance at the world championships in Jeonju! Reaching the final seemed impossible and even if it was very hard I managed to join my friends for a nice final!
I'm very proud of this new trick I can do now... the wheeling footgun... and it's nice to see many people starting to train on it! Sure we will have fun with this during next years! ;)
Q: Who is the Freestyler of the Year?
IC: It's not a big surprise to write it but it was a big surprise to see his level after one year! So... good job Pu Hao Yang!
Q: What are your goals for 2011?
Last year I said that I wanted to keep a place on the podium... this year I would really like to come back on it! I know it will be very hard because of the great level of many new skaters! But I'll do my best to go on and find new tricks and reach all the finals again.... maybe ^^'
Moreover, I want to go on developing the sport by judging and organizing events! I judged some events this year and even if it was hard to sit and watch the others skating... it was nice to spend time with some friends ;)
Evolution of the Top-10!
► For women, playing Musical Chairs seems to be quite a trend too: even though most protagonists are still in the running, places have been redistributed. Amongst the most drastic changes, let’s note two disappearances: that of Nadezhda Zelenova (Rus) though she literally boomed last season, and Fanny Violeau (Fra) aka the Swallow of the SebaTeam; and one kicking off, that of Megan McIntosh (Usa/Bel) who gets down from the Top-10 to the Top-20 (#10 to #14), a fate from which Angelika Babiy (Rus) only just escaped in clinging to place #10 (#5 in 2009).
► Chiara Lualdi (Ita) and Pichaya Pinyojarassang (Tha) gain 3 places at the ranking and cross the threshold that separated them from the Top-10 to reach places #8 and #9. But the most impressive climbing up is that of Su Fei Qian (Chn) who improves her ranking starting the season being #52 and ending it #7!
► Marinal Boyko (Ukr) rises up never putting a foot wrong from January to September, from #9 to #1… It is the first time that another woman manages to shift the two first-place regulars, French Chloé Seyrès and Chinese ChenChen who find themselves respectively #3 and #2 by the end of the season.
► Polina Semenova (Rus) and Barbara Bossi (Ita) are the only ones not undergoing major changes and more or less keep their positions.
Women's final 2010 Top-10!
- Marina Boyko (Ukr)
- Chen Chen (Chn)
- Chloé Seyrès (Fra)
- Polina Semenova (Rus)
- Barbara Bossi (Ita)
- Anya Ziertmann (Ger)
- Su Fei Qian (Chn)
- Chiara Lualdi (Ita)
- Pichaya Pinyojarassang (Tha)
- Angelika Babiy (Rus)

Marina Boyko is the female discovery of the year: her technique and her balance in wheeling tricks leaves women (and men) flabbergasted!
She ends up her trip, after having visited nearly each and every places of the Top-10, in winning the Battle at JeonJu (World Championship)…
Q: What do you think about your performances of 2010?
MB: This season has been great for me. Many pleasant things happened. Firstly I did a lot of competitions in different countries… cool trips and nice memorie! And secondly, I’ve got 1-st place at the WSSA ranking. So, I’m happy.
Q: Who is the Freestyler of the Year?
In freestyle skating – Chloe Seyres, she’s dancing on skates and shows her own style.
Q: What are your goals for 2011?
Next year is going to be tough, but I’ll keep on enjoying skating and training. I hope to take part in the most competition I can, and discover new things.

Howerver her main rival, ChenChen (Chn), Asian and World champion in the Classic category, does not see it that way. She may be not very talkative but she is none the less determined…
Q: What do you think about your performances of 2010?
CC: So-so…
Q: Who is the Freestyler of the Year?
CC: Meng Yun (Chn)
Q: What are your goals for 2011?
CC: Getting the first place.

Chloé Seyrès, Battle European Champion as well as Classic and Speed-slalom World Vice-Champion, who saw herself supplanted from both the Freestyle and Speed rankings (the monopoly of which she had since its creation) last September, takes the situation more philosophically…
Q: What do you think about your performances of 2010?
CS: In Freestyle, I focused more on improving the stylish aspect of my skating this year, in order to be better balanced and find a good mix between smoothness and power. I didn't really focus on the so-called "purely technical" stuff (i.e. wheelings), which is why my results started to drop a bit by the end of the year. But I'm quite in peace with my performances because I'm starting to reach the aesthetical effect I've been longing for. As for the world ranking, I'm glad I managed to reach again the #1 place during the season... Unfortunately I lost it during the home stretch in September (Korean trip)... But well, "each one in her turn!"
In Speed-slalom, Apart from my performance at the world championship in JeonJu, where I finished second, my performance was very poor this year: I'm lacking training! I lost the title at the world ranking by the end of the season. I managed to keep it for 3 years, since the creation of the ranking. I never considered myself as a speed-slalom skater anyway: I take part in competitions because I like the KO-System part, but I don't train because I'm not interested in time-performance.
Q: Who is the Freestyler of the Year?
CS: Talking about technique and competition, no doubt it's Maria Boyko, who is untouchable by now -- wheelingly speaking. But I would like to add a thought to Naomi Grigg, for her vision and theories of Freestyle, and for all her efforts to spread them!
Q: What are your goals for 2011?
CS: Time will tell!

Polina Semenova wins each year a season ticket for the Top-5, she is unshiftable! And though her ranking has dropped a bit, she managed some amazing feats this year, especially her Battle European and World Vice Champion titles as well as her wins in Kiev and Moscow!
Q: What do you think about your performances of 2010?
PS: Well, I think everything was not that bad for me this year. I won the contests in Kiev and Moscow, which was important for me; and I did quite well in other competitions and ended up 2nd at the World Championship Jeonju in the Battle category, and I am the best ranked Russian woman in freestyle. I'd prefer my second place at the world ranking which I had last year but 4th is not so bad, especially with these three strong and crazy girls before me))))
Q: Who is the Freestyler of the Year?
PS: No doubt - the best one was Marina Boyko with her crazy wheelings and sitting tricks, with all the transitions and variations she did, that was amazing!!!
Q: What are your goals for 2011?
PS: I want my 2nd place back)))) Seriously, I hope to skate well, to have fun, to visit even more places and countries this year, to join all the competitions with my friends and to do some more new tricks))) and more)))) and more)))
► This year the Men’s Top-10 has been hacked by the Italians who have seized half of the places! Only Kim Sung Jin (Kor, Asian Champion) resists the invader with his 3rd place… He is one of the three remaining Top-10 skaters of last year, together with (you’ll never guess…) Tiziano Ferrari (Ita) still #1, and Luca Ulivieri (another Italian!) who exchanges his old #10 place for his current #2 place without scruples.
► The other Italians who joined the leading pack are Simone Nai Oleari (#4), Davide Piacentini (#8) and Andrea Bellotto (#9).
► Guo Fang (Chn, Asian and World Vice-Champion) comes back in the Top-10, at the 5th place, thanks to excellent results and steady performances all through the season
► The second group to descend upon the Top-10 is that of the French, with Yohan Fort leading (#5, European and World Champion), followed by Romain Lebois (#6) and Robin Tessier (#10). They replace the French of last year, Igor Cheremetieff, Xuan Le and Sébastien Laffargue. The other outgoing skaters are the Russians, Kirill ‘ReKiL Ryazantsev, Andrey Shitov and Mischa Gurevich, as well as French JB Milleret.
Men’s 2010 Final Top-10
- Tiziano Ferrari (Ita)
- Luca Ulivieri (Ita)
- Kim Sung Jin (Kor)
- Simone Nai Oleari (Ita)
- Guo Fang (Chn)
- Yohan Fort (Fra)
- Romain Lebois (Fra)
- Davide Piacentini (Ita)
- Andrea Bellotto (Ita)
- Robin Tessier (Fra)
This ranking (Men’s speed) is the only ranking this year to which the skaters’ votes do not correspond: The Speed slalom Skater of the Year – almost unanimously – is...
Yohan Fort. He won the World Championships in JeonJu and the European Championships at the PSWC, and and bonus-win at SkateLondon! He won all the WSS competition he took part in this year. A spectacular entrance…
KIM SUNG JIN: Yohan Fort from France. No wonder! He is the fastest guy on earth. As I remember, he could win even in the situation that he kicked 1 cone and the opponent didn’t do any mistakes because his time records was still 0.2s faster! Of course, the player who got 2nd place was also very fast but he couldn’t beat the SPEED MONSTER. xP
LUCA ULIVIERI: Currently Yohan Fort.
SIMONE NAI OLEARI: I should say Tiziano Ferrari, because he is first in the ranking, but I believe that the speed skater of the year was Yohan Fort… I never I had the occasion to compete directly against him yet!
TIZIANO FERRARI: Ahrg! Difficult question because everyone did good performances! KSJ improved, Lua Ulivieri too... As well as Simone Nai Oleari, and Yohan Fort did the same, like Davide PIacentini and Andrea Bellotto.
Usually I don’t think only in terms of results, but I’m also taking heed of performances. Yohan got 1st in 3 competition, and it was great, but he didn’t do better time than last year... the one who got better imes was Savio Brivio.
Anyway I’d say Yohan Fort, because he is one of the bests and I like to do Kos against him: I usually go faster than against the others :p
GUO FANG: Yohan Fort for France, Kim Sung Jin for Korea, Lan Wang Heng and Liao Jie for China, and Tiziano Ferrari for Italy.

Tiziano Ferrari is still in the running for the longevity record at place #1 of the Men’s Speed slalom World Ranking. He won the title during the 2009 European Championships (March ’09) in Moscow, and has been fighting hard to keep it since then! However he’s got to make up his mind between Freestyle and Speed:
Q: What do you think about your 2010 performances?
TF: The overall level increased a lot more than last year, and I had to face more and more problems. It was a year full of news in Speed slalom… It started in Russia and finished in Madrid, Spain for me.
I saw all my friends/rivals improving during the year and I knew I had to push my limits further… but it is complicated to divide your training time and methods when you also take part in Freestyle! Speed slalom calls for discipline, power and precision… but discipline depends on your own method of training – whereas you have to have fun during Freestyle. In speed you have to be COLD.
I did the same performances as last year, but didn’t have the same results. Easy. I managed to keep my first place at the ranking because I was lucky and because I kept on fighting anyway, but I have to do MORE.
Q: What are your goals for 2011?
TF: Last year I said I wanted to beat someone superstrong! And I managed great things with what I had :D So maybe this year will work again!!
My first objective: improving in speed and in style. The second is more personal: I’d like to remain #1! Let’s see if I can manage to keep it at least two more months hahaha!

Despite poor performances at the European and World Championships, Luca Ulivieri wins a couple of competitions which enable him to pull himself to place #2, just behind his fellow-skater Tiziano Ferrari…
Q: What do you think about your 2010 performances?
LU: I’m very happy about my results. This season I took part in some important competitions where I didn’t expect to win, like the Inline Games in Berlin or Battle Royale in Madrid. Plus I ended up 2nd at SkateLondon and 1st at Roma Roller Day. I’m really satisfied :)
My only regret is the speed competition during the World Championships in JeonJu, because I really hoped to be on the podium. I cared a lot. However I must say I’ve recovered since the very bad competitions of Busto Arsizio, Bologna and Paris.
As for freestyle, Battles are very hard! But I’m always happy in the end because I enjoyed skating ^^ However I would love to do better at battles. The same for Classic. I think my last song didn’t match perfectly this year. I hope a lot for this new year.
Q: What are your goals for 2011?
LU: About speed slalom I still want to improv.e I’m really happy to be second at the world ranking despite the hard obstacles I had to face at the beginning of 2010. I believe that my favourite discipline is speed slalom, then I’ll keep on training to take part in many other competitions.
Anyway I love all the discipline of freestyle: Classic, Pair, Battle and Jump (Slide too). But if I have to write my objectives for this new year, first of all, I would want get the first place in speed slalom. About style I hope I’ll show very big and very beautiful programs in Classic and in Pair with my best friend Enrico Paparo. I hope also to get good results in battle.

…And here is another supersonic Italian! Newer than his fellow rivals in the WSS, he is none the less impressive! But unfortunately (luckily for them) he couldn’t go to the World Championships… which could have been very different with him in the running!
Q: What do you think about your 2010 performances?
SNO: I must say that 2010 was a year full of sportive satisfaction.
I had the possibility to compete against really strong guys, who came from everywhere in the world, met other skaters, visited a lot of places in the world, and last but not least won also a couple of important world slalom series competitions!
When I think about the whole season, I’m sure that I always did the best I could, with the will to do it well, even if I believe that sometimes I was a little “unlucky”, especially for my impossibility to take part in the World Championships in Jeonju… But I don’t like to talk about “luck”: things are so and that’s it. I try and will always try to do my best. And this because freestyle skating is my life: I have it under my skin!!!
Q: What are your goals for 2011?
SNO: Easy: having fun, and doing better at competitions!!
I love speed slalom indeed, but I would like to compete also in freestyle. For this I need some time, between work (I work 8 hours a day, and far from home..) and speed, to train for freestyle… but right now I can only train one day per week... Therefore who knows if I'll be able to do some freestyle competitions next year..
Most of all, in 2011 I’d like to meet even more new people and visit places that I’ve never been yet.
So.... POWER!! See you at the next competitions!!! :)
Ciao a tutti!!

Guo Fang is a flexible skater: better known for his feats in Freestyle, he is also a frightening rival in speed slalom. Indeed he is even better ranked this year in speed than in freestyle… Not very talkative but really determined!
Q: What do you think about your 2010 performances?
GF: Not bad… I can still improve a lot!
Q: What are your goals for 2011?
GF: Becoming world champion.
Evolution of the Top-10!
► The look of the Women’s Speed Top-10 changed a lot in one year: each place has a new owner, and six out of ten are newcomers!
► The first two swapped places: Barbara Bossi (Ita, World Champion) finally managed to supplant Chloé Seyrès (Fra, World Vice-Champion) and expelled her from place #1 where she had taken residence since the creation of the world ranking. The two other survivors from last year, Chiara Lualdi (Ita) and Kristina Lysenko (Rus) are relegated respectively to places #5 and #6 (they were #3 and #5 last year).
► Welcome to the Italians, Sara Barlocco (#3) and Cristina Rotunno (#9), to the Ukrainians, Ksenja Komarchuk (#8) and Marina Boyko (#10, she is the current #1 in freestyle), as well as to French Clémence Guicheteau (#4, European Champion). ChenChen (Chn, #7) is back in the Top-10, her ups and downs are due to the number of competitions she can take part in…
2010 Final Women’s Speed Slalom Top-10!
- Barbara Bossi (Ita)
- Chloé Seyrès (Fra)
- Sara Barlocco (Ita)
- Clémence Guicheteau (Fra)
- Chiara Lualdi (Ita)
- Kristina Lysenko (Rus)
- Chen Chen (Chn)
- Ksenja Komarchuk (Ukr)
- Cristina Rotunno (Ita)
- Marina Boyko (Ukr)

Barbara Bossi is a hardened Speed-slalom skater. Last September she managed to take hold of the title with credits, thanks to her win at the World Championships, against her rival Chloé Seyrès. She and her Italian team mates staged a hold-up in the Top-10 this year… And it’s not surprising that she is elected by most of the skaters as the Speed slalom skater of the Year.
Q: What do you think about your 2010 performances?
BB: This season has been a successful season for me, even if I didn’t start at my best. I competed with lots of ‘dangerous’ skaters and I improved my self-control, especially during Speed Slalom competitions. Before I was more nervous when I had to compete, but now I know them all and I’m surer of my skills. I can say the same for freestyle, even if it’s a bit different because you don’t know what the others keep hidden as aces in the hole. When I went to Jeonju I was also nervous about the Asians. Since they don’t travel a lot to Europe, you don’t know who you can find there. Anyway I managed to get to my highest level during the most important part of the season (for competitions like Skatelondon, the Inline Games and the WFSC in Jeonju) and I’m very happy with my results. Let’s hope the best for next year, too!
Q: What are your goals for 2011?
BB: The most important objective for next year is to keep my first place in the Speed Slalom ranking and confirm my world champion title, but I don’t want to think too much about it because it’ll make me feel too much pressure. Then, I’d like to compete at my best, try to keep my position in the Top-5 in both Speed slalom and Freestyle and last but not least I’d like to have a lot of fun at battles and enjoy every competition in which I’ll take part.

Clémence caused a stir for her first WSSA competition last May (PSWC, European Championships) in winning the women’s category against Barbara Bossi, the current #1. She confirms the lawfulness of her playing in the big league getting the third place behind the Italians, Barbara Bossi and Sara Barlocco at SkateLondon; as well as her superiority in the Junior’s category wiping out the Asians in JeonJu and winning the Junior World Title…
Q: What do you think about your 2010 performances?
CG: I’m very glad with my 2010 season, because it was my first (and hopefully not my last) year with the French Team, and I had the opportunity to travel far, and to my surprise I brought back unexpected titles. I didn’t do many competitions this year so I don’t have much to say.
Q: What are your goals for 2011?
CG: My goals for 2011 are more or less the same as last year’s: staying in the French Team, taking part in more competitions, reiterating my performances, and if there are still categories next year trying my luck with the seniors.

Chiara is particularly known for her performances in Speed slalom: #3 at the world ranking for the half of the season, she ends up #5 after the reorganization of the ranking due to the results of the World Championships in September. On the other hand, the Italian gains confidence in freestyle and creeps up places little by little so that she secures a comfy place in the Top-10 by the end of the year!
Q: What do you think about your 2010 performances?
CL: About my Speed performances I’m a little disappointed. I get better results because I trained so much. However I’m very satisfied with my performances in style slalom. I think that I got good results. I am particularly pleased with my Classic results at the PSWC and in JeonJu, Korea (nb: European and World Championships). I also discovered that I could have great fun taking part in the slide category and blow off the competition.
Q: What are your goals for 2011?
CL: My objectives for 2011 season are: obtaining better results in speed slalom, meeting new and friendly people, visiting new cities and above all having fun!
The skaters’ hearts are torn between the PSWC and ChunCheon…
…between two large-scale events doing super-well, the first in the western fashion and the second in the eastern fashion!

On the one hand...
...the Paris Slalom World Cup:
► Organizing the European freestyle championships for its 8th edition, the PSWC is right on target with its French fashioned charm… with the romantic Parisian drizzle in front of the legendary Eiffel Tower… everything is perfectly summed up by Chiara Lualdi: “The PSWC of course. It's always well organized and ready for any unexpected events, like rain. And the spot is really beautiful just in front of the Eiffel Tower.” Barbara Bossi and Igor Cheremetieff think the same: “At the first place, the PSWC! It was so huge! So many skaters and so many countries! It was really crazy ;)”
► Everyone remembers also the launching ramps device for the speed slalom, as Chloé Seyrès recalls: “The most interesting womens speed slalom competition was probably during the PSWC, because there was a good bunch of competitors coming from everywhere in the world... And because starting on ramps is fun!”
► Some skaters elected the PSWC for more personal reasons, like Tiziano Ferrari: “The best event for speed? No hesitation, the PSWC… the competition, the people, the atmosphere, and I won in 2009, I finished 2nd this year. I was motivated to do my best.” Or again Chloé Seyrès: “Same answer as last year--for the same reasons. It was the PSWC because it took place in Paris, where all my friends could come and see me, which is all the more motivating: it makes me want to push my limits further to offer them a great show!”

On the other hand...
the World Leisure Games ChunCheon, Korea:
► It was THE event, meticulously organized with two rehearsals in 2008 and 2009, gathering extreme sports in a huge complex specially built for the occasion, in an idyllic rustic setting on a lake shore and surrounded by mountains, just as Polina Semenova remembers: “The World Leisure Games in ChunCheon, Korea. It was a huge event with a lot of different stuffs to see and do. I also liked the place with the lake and mountains. The atmosphere was also very friendly and warm. It was hard to compete but anyway I have really good memories of this event. By the way thanks to everyone who made it such a good time)))”
► ChunCheon was probably the biggest event ever in the story of Freestyle skating, and let a strong impression on most skaters, whether they came from Europe or Asia, if we believe comments such as Marina Boyko’s: “For me, the most impressive competition was the Leisure Games in ChunCheon (South Korea). Maybe because it was my first competition in Asia, or maybe because it was really huge, too many skaters there…” and comments such as ChenChen’s and Li Jin Xi’s: “The competition I liked best was ChunCheon because there was a lot of spectators. I was very excited and I got very warm applauses from all over the world.”

The 4th World Freestyle Skating Championships
in JeonJu, Korea...
...end up second:
Some skaters don’t forget to mention the 4th World Championships, most of the time less to speak highly of its organization than for personal reasons.
► Thus the two finalists of the womens speed slalom allude to it, Barbara Bossi conveying that “regarding the results, it’s obvious that for me the event of the year is the WFSC in Jeonju, but for sure it isn’t the best event at all.” And Chloé Seyrès adding that: “Egoistically, it was the world championships because I'm quite proud of what I have accomplished -- I would never had hoped for it -- beating so many fast Italian girls in a row like that...”
► The competition enabled some realizations in particular for Guo Fang: “During the world championships this is when I felt the best, but it let me know my disadvantage.”
► Or some European skaters simply give a favorable assessment because of the change of scenery, it is the case for Clémence Guicheteau: “The event of the year was probably Korea, a trip socially and culturally rewarding, which enabled me to meet new people in a marvelous setting, and with a competition I had long been waiting for. A very good organization with sympathetic people and an unhoped-for title!” And it is also the case for Luca Ulivieri: “The event of the year was the WFSC because there were many skaters from many different countries to confront and, because there were all the disciplines of freestyle (Battle, Classic, Pair, Speed and Slide).”

...And let’s not forget the Special Mentions!!
► A double Special mention for Battle US in San Francisco, California by Chloé Seyrès and Martin Sloboda whose assessments are curiously similar: Chloé talking about the event as “an awesome trip with awesome people in an awesome city” and Martin saying that: “This whole trip was just friggin’ amazing! :D The people, the location, the atmosphere – legendary. xD”
► Igor Cheremetieff also mentions the Inline Games in Berlin: “I would like to talk about Berlin because it was the first event I could take part in after a two month break because of my broken wrist! And the nice atmosphere, I love to skate with all the skaters.”
► Barbara Bossi remains undecided between the PSWC and SkateLondon.
► And it is even worse for Kim Sung Jin who doesn’t even know which event to pick up: “The PSWC like always, SkateLondon, Haining Slalom Festival, IFSC and so on were the events of 2010 because the level of the competitors was very high and that was enough to motivate me ^^”
► Pu Hao Yang chooses Haining as the competitions of first times: “My best performance was in Haining, I managed the wheeling footgun for the first time in competition, and it is also the first time I managed the seven as well as the wheeling spin on 20 cones, and last but not least I did my best result ever in Classic Jam… too many first times!”
► And Simone Nai Oleari set his hart on the very first competition he took part in this season, St. Petersburg: “I really was in fine form, and I liked the competition area: the ground was perfect. There were strong athletes and most of all lots of beautiful girls ;) And I did a perfect competition, winning! My best of 2010.”
French | Chinese SOON!!
We already saw who was elected for the different disciplines and categories:
- Freestyle: (M) Kim Sung Jin and (F) Marina Boyko
- Speed Slalom: (M) Yohan Fort and (F) Barbara Bossi.
Now, let’s talk about a more global title, gathering all disciplines of freestyle (style, speed, slides…)
With an overwhelming majority, the title goes to KIM SUNG JIN for his smashing comeback, his flexibility… and his humility:
► Most skaters speak highly of his flexibility, the Chinese are unanimous: Pu Hao Yang is clear: “No need to say why: super cool in Classic, super fast in speed, super monster in battle, too many points and too many medals.” ChenChen, Guo Fang and Li Jin Xi confirm his saying: “Kim Sung Jin for his flexibility, in Classic freestyle, Speed slalom, and Classic jam.”
The Italians, Luca Ulivieri and Tiziano Ferrari, are also in accord, the first saying that the skater of the year “is Kim Sung Jin, because first of all he can practice very well all disciplines of freestyle (Classic, Battle, Pair and Speed…Slide too ^^ ), and also because he is first at the World Ranking in Freestyle and third in Speed.” And the second adding that: “KSJ is one of the few who can compete at the top in both style and speed slalom. And he’s a very very humble person.”
► His humility is also underlined by Clémence Guicheteau in her vote: “Probably KSJ, whom I’ve known only for a year, and who is a brilliant skater, shining through his technique as well as through his style, always very kind and simple despite his fame.”
► The French put the emphasis on his dazzling comeback. Thus Igor Cheremetieff confesses: “KSJ did a huge come back and showed skills I didn't expect, of course in battle and classic, but also in speed and slide! Congrats for his logical 1st place at the freestyle world ranking and for his 3rd place in speed slalom...!!! It's a nice and hard job ;)” And Chloé Seyrès adds… with a careful warning though: “It seems that Kim Sung Jin is back for good... Getting the title back from Martin Sloboda, one of his main opponents. But the overall level is growing faster than ever, and who knows what's going to happen to the Top-5 next year! I'm ready to gamble on Phu Ho Yang...”
Other names come back regularly in the votes:
► Like that of MARINA BOYKO, with a unanimous assessment: her technical level is impressive.
It’s Polina Semenova’s opinion, and she adds a personal message: “It should be Marina Boyko, because she worked a lot, improved like crazy and deserves it for sure. And also thanks to her we have to skate more and more))) So go, Marina, go))))” It is also Martin Sloboda’s opinion: “There are so many good skaters out there….hmm…it’s hard to choose one. But in my opinion, it is Marina Boyko. She showed great performances this year and her technical level is really impressive. She proved to be the new world number one =)”
► Or that of IGOR CHEREMETIEFF… Marina Boyko’s vote: “All through last season he improved in style and technique and got good results. Finally he was the only European skater who went through to the Battle final at the World Championship in Jeonju. It’s a really good job.” And Kim Sung Jin’s vote: “There are so many candidates but I think Igor Cheremetieff deserves this in the Free Style Category because he pioneered a new possibility about sitting tricks: As you know, he succeeded Toe Foot Gun for the first time (Over 10 cones) and showed us that it’s possible in competitions. It gave a new possibility to those (Like us) who are always looking for something new.”
The evolution of the world ranking in 2010 was somewhat hectic and it’s sometimes hard to make up one’s mind:
► Some skaters are determined but feel a bit guilty to have to pick up only one name. It’s the case of Chiara Lualdi, who thinks that the skater of the year is “Igor Cheremetieff. Compared to 2009 he improved a lot. He’s got a lot of technique and style. Other skaters of 2010 could be Kim Sung Jin, Chen Chen and Rohi Goh (for slide).” Simone Nai Oleari, facing a dilemma, mischievously asks if he can “ask for a last trick between Kim Sung Jin and Chloé Seyrès?! :)”
► Others are just undecided, like Barbara Bossi who explains that “there’s no overall skater of the year because many skaters did good performances, improved and reached the top. Many skaters can be considered good ones to keep an eye on, for example for freestyle Pu Hao Yang, Liao Jie, Marina Boyko and for speed slalom Luca Ulivieri, KSJ and Sara Barlocco.”
...WHAT’S NEXT FOR 2011?
► 2011 season has already started with a couple of one-cone competitions, but the real kick off will be in March with Busto Battle II in Italy (5-6), and above all with the Russian competitions in Moscow and St. Petersburg on the 18-20 and 26-27!
► The schedule keeps on being updated with new competitions. The peak of competitions will be around June-July with 14 events already confirmed only for these two months.
The complete 2011 schedule is here.
…See You Next Battle!
Useful Links
► Complete final 2010 World ranking
► 2009 WSS Report French | English
► FRENCH Version on RollerEnLigne (by Close Yr E's):
Part.1: Introduction
Part.2: Men’s Freestyle
Part.3: Women’s Freestyle
Part.4: Men’s Speed Slalom
Part.5: Women’s Speed Slalom
Part.6: Event and Skater of the Year
► CHINESE version (by Xinhua Xu) 中文版
part1: 情况说明.
part2: 男子花式绕桩.
part3: 女子花式绕桩.
part4: 男子速度过桩.
part5: 女子速度过桩.
part6: 年度最佳赛事及最佳选手.
► Russian Version
Close Yr E’s
Feb. 23rd, 2011.