Cristina Rotunno
"Step by Step"

World #1 Speed Slalom (Jan.13)
2012 Facts:
- 5 competitions in 2012
- Best 4: 1200 (Total score: 1300)
From World #2 last January, Italian Cristina Rotunno reached the supreme place for good in September, after a quick overview in July when she briefly touched
the golden throne. It is the result of years of patience, training and focus, fighting against her team-mate Barbara Bossi whom she ousted after a 23-month reign! Back on her 2012
You finish the 2012 season at the top of the world ranking.
Being World #1 is the conclusion of years and years of struggle?
This year's results are the conclusion of years of training. I took part to three World Championships and each year I improved my results, from the third to the second and finally to the first
This year you won the European and the World championships. Which one was the hardest for you?
I think that the European Championships were the hardest because at the Worlds I could take advantage of the other competitors' mistakes, whereas in Berlin (note: European Championships) I could
show the best of my potential.
Women's Speed Slalom at the 2012 World Championships in Lishui, China
Other 2012 competitions you are proud of ?
I am very proud of my 2012 performances because even if I only took part in 5 competitions, I always managed to get to the highest step of the podium.
Do you plan to do more competitions in 2013? Do you already know where you will go next year ?
In 2012 I only did 5 competitions because of my studies. In 2013, I hope to do more, and especially go to Hannover, Paris and to the European and World Championships, but also to smaller Italian
competitions, which is also the key to get a good score at the final ranking.
What are your objectives in 2013 ?
In 2013 I hope to repeat the good results I got in 2012. I have to improve my speed in the run out in order to be ready to face new competitors.
It is a constant fight between you and Barbara Bossi on competitions. You two rule the world. Are you afraid of other competitors ?
I am very glad that Barbara Bossi and me own the top of the world in speed slalom… two Italians!
The Asian women are improving, but it is hard to guess if they are a real danger in only seeing them on one competition…

Interview by Chloe Seyres for / January 2013