"Better steady than sorry"

World #3 Freestyle (Jan.13)
2012 Facts:
- 17 competitions in 2012
- Best 4: 1210 (Total score: 4137)
After 13 consecutive months at the top of the World Ranking, Marina Boyko let the 1st place by the end of 2011. During 2012, after a bad summer patch which
brought her down to the 6th place, she re-entered the Top3 to settle at the 3rd place since August, confirming bronze with a double victory in Busto, ITA by the end of September (Classic &
* Are you satisfied with your final place of 2012 and your longevity at the top of the ranking ?
Yes, I’m quite satisfied with my final ranking place, despite an unsuccessful year, and I’m happy that finally I’ve started to go upwards.
* Which competition did you like best, and what was your best performance of 2012 ?
This year, it is hard to choose one competition as the best, because all of them were good. Maybe my best performance of 2012, in classic as in battle (before the final), was in Berlin on
the European Championship.

* What do you want to improve for 2013 in your skating?
First of all, I’d like to show more freestyle in my skating. I want to make my skating more varied, more interesting.
* What are your aims for 2013 ? Ranking, titles, competitions…
Of course I want to get back to the 1st place of the World Ranking. Anyway I’ll try to stay in the top 5 as long as I can.
The title I want to win: World Slalom Champion in classic. I have the same in battle. (note: 2010)
I like competing and I’ll try to do as many competitions as possible. It all depends on my job, money, my family and so on…
* Other skating objectives ?
I’m going to improve as a teacher, to develop my school and help my pupils realize themselves in skating.
* More things you want to say ?
I want to thank my destiny for discovering skating. My life has totally changed. Thanks to all who support me, thanks to you and to all the skaters of the world.
Interview by Chloe Seyres for / January 2013