Michal Sulinowski
…From "interesting" to

World #3 Freestyle (Jan.13)
2012 Facts:
- 17 competitions in 2012
- Best 4: 1169 (Total score: 3422)
From January 2012 to January 2013, Michal Sulinowski went from the 41st place to the 3rd place of the Freestyle World Ranking, from 658 points scored to 1169
on his Best 4, and from 9 to 17 competitions per year… No doubt he is the most impressive progression of the year.
You are the first Polish skater to reach these heights in the Men's ranking. How does it feel to be on top of the world?
It’s awesome to be in the top. I’m very proud and I still can’t believe that. On every event I did my best but I didn’t expect to get the 3rd place so fast.
Good motivation and hard training are the base if you want keep on improving and reach heights. Since the very beginning I’ve wanted to become better and better. Whereby, despite my
achievements in Poland I didn’t rest on my laurels, I wished to reach new goals abroad.
What are your best 2012 competition results?
According to me there is a difference between my rankings and my runs. My best ranking in competition was in Senigallia, I got the 1st place in Battle and Classic and 3rd in Speed Slalom.
Compared to my Classic in London, I made more mistakes in Italy, but in both I was first.
Anyway, the most important results for me was my title of European Vice-Champion in Classic.
What is the 2012 competition moment you are the proudest of ?
I’m very proud of my Quarter Finals run at the WFSC 2012 Battle, where I was exhausted but I did my best battle performance ever.
SkateLondon 2012 - Classic Michal Sulinowski from Slalomseries.es on Vimeo.
Which skater(s) do you feel close to / do you compare yourself to?
I always fight against myself, not against other skaters. I focus to do my best. If I would like to catch up somebody's level, I could never do it because he would be always one step before me.
Instead of that, I'd rather create my way of skating.
It’s difficult to say whether my style is similar to somebody's because I don’t even know exactly to which style belongs mine (more Asian,
European or other? ) So if you have any idea, you can leave it in comments :)
What are your aims for 2013?
Improvements in your skating: I’d like to create something new and original.
Improvements in your competition management: I’d like to stress less before runs.
Competitions you will take part in 2013: As many as it’ll be possible ;))
Others: Having fun :D
Comment ?
I’d like say thank you to all SEBA crew because they enable me to do what I do. Also thank you to BlueBear Team. Thanks to all skaters whom I’ve met and I’ll meet in the future :P And also thanks
to my girlfriend for supporting me.
Interview by Chloe Seyres for WorldSlalomSeries.com / January 2013