Romain Lebois (Fra)
"The Wheeling Machine Gun

World #1 Freestyle (Jan.13)
2012 Facts:
- 26 competitions in 2012
- Best 4: 1300 (Total score: 5739)
Same time last year he was just entering the Top10. In six months, he kept the "1" and got rid of the "0".
From being a dangerous challenger in the first half of the year, he shifted to the supreme side of the force in becoming the new world leader in July, especially thanks to a European title in
Classic and to good results in Battle: 1st at the PSWC, 3rd at the Battle Masters Beijing and at the World Championships in Lishui...
* What was the hardest result to get in 2012?
Lishui. (note: Battle 3rd place at the World Championships)
with the exhausting heat, humidity, jet lag, the Worlds directly following SkateLondon, the stress of the competition, the skaters, all amazingly strong, especially the Asian… I gave all I had in
the Battle Final, except for my last trick when I started to feel the tiredness of the 4 days of competition, I managed to hold my own against the Chinese, which is an objective I've been trying
to reach for 3 years. And for what I know, a European scaring the Chinese, it is something rare, and I wanted to be part of these skaters who scare the Chinese.
I received the bronze medal of the world championships with tears in my eyes, and I even spent the night with it. Since I started skating, reaching that stage was my dream and it makes me very
proud of myself.
World Championships, Lishui, China. Men's Battle Final:
* How do you analyze your technical improvement during these last 12 months?
Since the beginning of 2012, I added quite a lot of tricks to my notebook, I have improved in sitting tricks, like wheeling footgun or wheeling Christie. I also have new wheeling combos.
And I improved in smoothness and trick style.
* In 2013, what improvements do you want to bring to your skating?
I would like to improve my heel wheeling, and new sitting tricks like the wheeling Christie Seven, and much more… I would also like to improve my freestyle!
* What titles would you like to add to your prize list in 2013?
I am not really interested in titles, but in reaching the Asian level. I would love to be on an Asian podium and get the 2nd or the 3rd place at the next World Championships.
This year is going to be hard, with my exams all year long, the number of competitions will decrease for me. But the trainings will remain the same, 2 to 3 times a week.
* Which opponents are you careful with, and which freestylers inspire you?
When I arrive on a competition, the competitors who make me vibrate are:
- Alexandre Claris (FRA)
- Zang Hao (CHN)
- Ye Hao Qin (CHN)
- Roman Gordin (RUS)
The skater who inspires me the most, who lit stars in my eyes at Battle Shanghai Grand Prix and at the 2011 World Championships in Geisingen, Germany, is Pu Hao Yang (CHN). With his incredible
technical level and a good freestyle, he is the one pushing me upwards.
* For the record, you are an all-rounded freestyler: you are at the threshold of the Top5 in Speed Slalom!
Which results brought you up there and do you have any pretension for 2013?
I do not train at all in speed, so obviously, when I beat Jimmy Fort at a French Battle in Roscoff, or when I got the 2nd place at SkateLondon, I was very glad.
I will always give my all in speed slalom! Even if I train only during competitions.
* Free space:
Here it is, 2012 is over and I would like to thank ~>
Seba Skates, my sponsor
Alexandre Claris, my skating brother
Igor Cheremetieff, as a team manager and as a skating daddy
Pierre Célat, the coach of the French Team, who made me improve a lot, and gave me the will to become strong!
All the members of the French Team of Freestyle
The Dragon Riders Club which always supported me
And of course, Rémi Du Peloux who made me discover freestyle skating and without whom I would have never become what I am today
I am glad I met all the skaters around the world, the Russians, the Asians, the Americans…
Interview by Chloe Seyres for / January 2013