INTERVIEW w/ Daria Kuznetsova
"I am happy that all my efforts were crowned with such a big success! So good to know that it's worth to train so hard..."
Kuznetsova Daria (RUS)
Freestyle Slalom Women's World #1
Nb of Comps in 2014: 20
Total score: 5207
Best-5: 1600
Polina Semenova for
Proofreading by Chloé Seyrès
Photo by Ksenija Komarchuk and Carroll Wong
Video by SlalomTimTeam
November 2014

A short interview with the current world number one and 2014 double European and World Champion after her great feats at the WFSC 2014…
P.S. Congratulations for your double victory at the World Championships! In addition to being first at the world ranking and
double European Champion, winning the World Championships in your two main disciplines is the highest you can get, and it is a dream for all skaters. Did you expect to win in both disciplines?
With which discipline were you the most confident: Battle or Classic?
Daria. Two gold medals at the World Championships, it's really the maximum I could reach. I couldn't even imagine this may happen. But I'm very glad that I have achieved such a big result. It was
only the second time I did my new classic run in competition, so I was very nervous before the performance, especially being the last to go. I am very satisfied with my performance, I think, it
was the first time I did all my tricks that clean and without penalties. As for Battle, there were much stronger competitors and I did not expect to take first place so I was less stressed and
therefore I was all the more stable on my tricks.
P.S. What did you feel when you realised that you were double world champion?
Daria. Getting the title of world champion is a great achievement for me. I am happy that all my efforts were crowned with such a big success! It's good to know that all my hard trainings were
worth it. I would want to thank my coach - Vladimir Tkachev for his great job.
P.S. Who was the strongest opponent for you during the Championship?
Daria. Klaudia Hartmanis, Maryna Boiko, Zoe Granjon and the Chinese girls. For sure, they are high level skaters, and all of them are strong competitors.

P.S. Who impressed you most during those World Championships?
Daria. Perhaps the most memorable performance was the Timchenko brothers' pair slalom. It was so funny and positive :)
P.S. How did you like the WFSC 2014? What did you like or didn't like, what do you remember the most?
Daria. Everything was very well organized. I loved the skating conditions, skating place, the opening ceremony and of course the after party on the boat. Finally, we had a warming-up area, which
we were missing so much during the Asian Championships.
P.S. If there was an award of the "2014 WFSC Skater", to whom you would give it?
Daria. Honestly, I can not choose one skater only. I know how much work and effort was made by each skater to perform well for the main event of the year. Everyone tried to do the best, but not
all of them could handle the stress of competition.
P.S. Did you take a break after the World Championships or have you already started training for the new
Daria. I had one week off skates after the Championships and then started training again. Otherwise it's hard to manage difficult tricks after a long break, because you have to start all over

P.S. Don't you think about participating in the pair slalom competition? If so, who would be your
Daria. I thought about it, but I don't know with whom. If there is someone who wants to try and make a pair run with me - just let me know!
P.S. What is your plan - maximum for the new season? The tricks to learn, the competitions to participate
Daria. I will probably create a new Classic run... I can't say anything about the tricks now. I will continue to participate in competitions as much as I can but I am not sure I could go to the
PSWC in 2015, since I will have school exams at the same time.
P.S. Any thanks?
Daria. I want to thank my coach, my parents, all the participants, the audience, the judges, and of course the organizers, as well as Rollerclub and the Seba Team!
Video by SlalomTimTeam
Video by SlalomTimTeam
Polina Semenova for
Proofreading by Chloé Seyrès
Photo by Ksenija Komarchuk and Carroll Wong
Video by SlalomTimTeam
November 2014