INTERVIEW w/ Savio Brivio
"My goal for the next season is a new record..."
Savio Brivio (ITA)
Speed Slalom Men's World #1
Nb of Comps in 2014: 7
Total score: 1773
Best-4: 1176
Polina Semenova for
Photo by Ksenija Komarchuk
Translation by Chiara Lualdi
Video by SlalomTimTeam
November 2014

Speed Slalom World Champion 2014, Savio Brivio with a small interview about his victory, new wssa world record and his first place at the world ranking…
P.S. It's your first victory at the World Championships and your best result so far. Did you expect to
Savio. I didn't expect to win at all! I never focus on the places during the events. Before the competitions start i try to free my mind and to do my best. During the competition i was
focused on the world record.
P.S. Are you satisfied with your WFSC performance? And what do you want to improve next time?
Savio. I am very happy and satisfied about my WFSC performance. I made a new WSSA world record in 4.766, and my victory was just an extra surprise. Next time, I will try to improve my record.

P.S. Who was your strongest opponent and who impressed you during the World Championships?
Savio. My strongest opponent was Jimmy Fort (Fra) with whom i was fighting for the World Champion title. He already won the European Championship in Busto Arsizio and he is really "fort". But the
one who impressed me the most was Ye Hao Qin (Chn). I didn't think he would be so fast!!!
P.S. How does it feel to be at the top of the World Ranking?
Savio. It's good to be at top of the world rankings, although I have never focused on that position.
P.S. Do you think it is possible to stay on the top for a while?
Savio. I'm not so sure that it's so easy to stay at the first place for long time. I take part at the competitions only for fun! To be the first in the world ranking is secondary for me, first of
all i prefer to enjoy the competitions and have fun!
P.S. How do you train for speed slalom? Describe your typical training.
Savio. My typical training in speed slalom is combining 10 minutes of my best and fastest attempts and then 5 minutes a little bit less. I skate about one hour and half per week only.
P.S. What are your goals for the next season?
Savio. Like every year my goal for the next season is about a new record. I want to improve two world records, one below 4.7 (ko system) and other under 4.1(free start).
P.S. Do you plan to do more competitions in 2015? Do you already know where you will go next year ?
Savio. I don't know how many competitions I will do next year but i'm sure about the PSWC, i really like this event, it's amazing! Especially for the ramps at the start line.
P.S. Your wishes for the new season :
Savio. I wish to all skaters to improve their results, to work hard every event, to do always their best and to get the best results!

Final runs Speed Slalom Men by Slalom TimTeam
Polina Semenova for
Photo by Ksenija Komarchuk
Translation by Chiara Lualdi
Video by SlalomTimTeam
November 2014