INTERVIEW w/ Yu Jin Seong
"Follow your dreams! You can succeed!"
Polina Semenova for
Video by SlalomTimTeam and Yu Jin Seong
Photo by Tiphaine Bourbon and Sebaskates
June 2014

Yu Jin Seong (KOR)
ID: 10981000804
Freestyle Men's World #1
Nb of Comps in 2014: 12
Total score: 2624
Best-5: 1519
It seems that 2014 season turned out to be good for YJS. After a brilliant victory in the freestyle classic contest in Paris Slalom World Cup, he reached the first place in the world ranking. Here is a short interview of the brand new Freestyle slalom World number #1 :
P.S. YJS, in your last interview you said that you fulfilled your dream reaching the Top-5. You said that you don't care about the ranking anymore now and
you will just try to do your best for 2014. Well, you definitely did a good job. The victory for the classic in Paris and 1st place of the world ranking - that's the things to be proud of. Did
you expect this?
YJS. Of course, i didn't expect this! It was a big surprise for me, so i am very happy now!

P.S. Do you think it is possible to stay on the top for a while?
YJS. No, i am not sure it's possible. Unfortunately, last time, when i took the 2nd place in the world ranking, i didn't stay there for a long time. Now the level is so high so it's going to be
even more difficult. For me, it's already good enough that i at least reached the first place! It makes me happy!
P.S. Who will be your most dangerous opponents?
YJS. There are so many good skaters... Lee Choong Goon (Kor), Guo Fang (Chn), Liao Jie (Chn); all of them are very good in Classic and i like their style. Also Zhang Hao (Chn) and Ye Hao Qin
(Chn) are very strong and technical skaters. When they will participate in the senior category it will be even more challenging for me.

P.S. Freestyle Classic is your speciality. How long do you prepare for a classic run? How do you choose the music? how do you create the choreography?
YJS. Usually, it takes 1 month to prepare myself for the big events. First, i choose the music. Normally, i use the youtube to find new ideas for my runs. Or sometimes i already have something in
my mind - all the time i listen to the music i try to imagine if i can use it for my classic performance. When it's done, i am looking at some dancing videos clips to catch some ideas for the
movements. Then i try to transform the dance ideas from the clips to my classic run and combine it with the skating tricks and music. Sometimes i am searching some ideas from the skating videos
as well. Other skaters also have a good style so sometimes i try to catch their influence and change it to my run.
P.S. Tell us something about your workshops. How much time does it takes? What is the main goal to teach the people? Do you see any results? And what is the
best feeling you get from the workshops?
YJS. I've travelled a lot with my workshops - i coached 3 times in Taiwan, twice in Hong Kong and Singapore, once in Japan and Indonesia and also in Korea of course. The main goal of my workshops
is to teach the skaters how to connect the tricks and feel their body to develop the movements. I discovered that many skaters don't know how to combine their skating and dance skills but they
want to learn it. When my students use my advises during the competitions i feel so happy. If they are satisfied that means i did my job well and it's also partly my success. The best feeling
from my workshops is to help the other skaters to improve. When i will stop competing, i will continue to share my skating skills and knowledge with other skaters. Now i am trying to make some
videos with tricks and transitions. As i can't meet all the skaters who want to improve with my help, every friday i upload my video clips on the Facebook and youtube. You can find it there as
the "YJS slalom class". It's something small i can do for the beginners but i try to do my best. I would want to thank Pure and Linda from Taiwan, Shirley and Andy from Singapore, Carroll and
Choy from Hong Kong, Kita from Japan, Mitya from Indonesia and all other organizers. Thank you all to help me with my workshops. Thank you to give me a chance to share my skills and experience to
teach other skaters! I really appreciate it!
"The best feeling from my workshops is to help the other skaters to improve."
P.S. What are your skating improvement goals for 2014?
YJS. I will work more with the technical tricks which i am not so strong enough with. I will try to match some hard tricks and new dance movements for my classic run.
P.S.What are your competition goals for 2014?
YJS. I will look for a new style and make a new choreography. I want to show to the others how to skate with style. To keep my world number one rank, i would want to win in the WFSC. I've never
won the World Championship in the Classic before. I know i's not going to be easy but i will work hard for this.

P.S. Some words to the skaters :
YJS. Follow your dreams! You can succeed. I hope to see all the skaters in the next competitions, i look forward to see their runs!
P.S. Some words to your fans all over the world :
YJS. Thanks for your support! Sometimes i may loose some motivation but thanks to my fans i keep training!
Polina Semenova for
June 2014