The 2014 Junior European Champions

The 2014 European Freestyle Skating Championships took place in Italy this year. This 6th edition was the first European Championship with a Junior category in Speed Slalom and Classic Freestyle. Here is an interview with the 2014 Junior European Champions...
Sofia Bogdanova

Sofia Bogdanova (Rus)
Freestyle Slalom Women's World #24
Nb of Comps in 2014: 11
Total score: 1439
Best-5: 916
P.S. This is your first performance in such a big event. What was it like to compete at the EFSC? Was it more stressful, or the importance of the event
doesn't matter for you?
S.B. For me, it was the most serious competition so far, so I was very nervous. When I started, I heard the applause of the audience. Thanks to the support of the skaters from all those different
countries, I managed calm down a little and perform my run.
P.S. Are you satisfied with your EFSC performance? And what do you want to improve for the next event?
S.B. I am not very satisfied with my run. My tricks were not clean and stable enough.
P.S. Do you plan to come to the WFSC? If yes, what are your goals for this event?
S.B. Yes, I plan to participate in the World Championships and I am really looking forward to it. My goals for the WFSC are to perform a successful choreography and manage all my tricks.
Any thanks?
S.B. I would want to thank my coach, Kristina Lysenko, and my mother.
Nathan Menard

Nathan Menard (Fra)
Freestyle Slalom Men's World #28
Nb of Comps in 2014: 22
Total score: 2718
Best-5: 893
P.S. How does it feel to become the first European Junior Champion? Who was your main opponent?
N.M. I am very proud to offer the first Junior European Champion title to France. And yet, I was very surprised with my victory at first, because I did a lot of mistakes in my run and I was not
quite sure that I could still finish first. My main opponent was Valerio Degli Agostini (Ita, #52): His run was very clean and he managed all his tricks.
P.S. Are you satisfied with your EFSC performance? What are your goals for the 2014 WFSC?
N.M. I am not really happy with my performance because I did too many penalties. My freestyle was also less fluid and less to the beat than during training. My main goal this year was to be
selected in Team France for the 2014 WFSC, and I have reached it.
Now, my next goal is to manage a good performance, with good freestyle and high technique. I do not focus on the ranking, especially because I know that Asians are very strong and I have never competed against them before. Anyway above all, my goal will depend on what my coach, Pierre Célat, expects from me.
Any thanks?
N.M. I would like to thank Quentin Moreau and Ken Chalot for coaching me and making me love skating, the whole Team France for their support, motivation and the experience they give me, as well
as my coach, Pierre Célat, for guiding me throughout my progress and for believing in me. But I especially want to thank my father for his investment in the French freestyle skating world and for
all he has done for me.
Lily Granjon

Lily Granjon (Fra)
Speed Slalom Women's World #7
Nb of Comps in 2014: 8
Total score: 1086
Best-4: 920
P.S. Did you expect to get the title of European Champion?
L.G. Not at all! I had dreamt about it, but I would never have imagined I would have become a Junior European Champion!
P.S. Are you satisfied with your EFSC performance?
L.G. Of course I am satisfied! I had my goals for the European Championship and I achieved more than expected.
P.S. What are your goals for the 2014 WFSC?
L.G. I don't really have any... It will be my first World Championship so I will do my best and we will see!
Eric Zaghini

Eric Zaghini (Ita)
Speed Slalom Men's World #171
Nb of Comps in 2014: 2
Total score: 219
Best-4: 219
P.S. This is your best result so far. Did you expect this? How did you feel after the final?
E.Z. Yes indeed, my victory at the European Championship is my best result, for sure. I didn't expect it at all! After the final I was very excited but I was really happy!
P.S. Will you participate in the WFSC in Paris? What are your personal goals?
E.Z. I will not participate in the WFSC because I am not part of any team, and travelling alone is too expensive. The next events for me, I think, will be the B'Battle in Bologna and the PSWC
Polina Semenova for
Proof Reading by Chloé Seyrès
Photo by Anthony Finocchiaro, Filippo Gep and Ksenija Komarchuk
October 2014