Guo Fang and Zhang Hao are the World Champions for the third year in a row!!!
The world number one and double World Champions (2014-2013) pair from China, Guo Fang and Zhang Hao, showed an excellent run, almost perfectly clean, smooth and dynamic. They were the strongest for this discipline and added one more gold medal to their collection. They are World Champions for the third year in a row!
"This is an unforgettable moment for us!", Chinese pair said, "Everyone did great. Congratulations to all skaters and thanks to our team!"
The European Champions 2015, Italian pair Nicolas Quiriconi and Andrea Rotunno, performed a great show, mixing hard technique and great dance moves, making their run one of the favorites for the public. They confirmed their status of the best European skaters for Pair Slalom and received the silver medal for this Championships!
"We are very happy", Nicolas said, "We really satisfied with our run, despite some small mistakes. We look forward to the next year! Thanks for all"
Korean skaters Yu Jin Seong and Kim Jun Kyeom prepared a very nice performance and made it perfectly clean. Yu Jin Seong already won a gold medal for the Pair Slalom discipline with Kim Tae Bin in 2009 and won the bronze medal with his teammate, Kim Jun Kyeom, this time!