INTERVIEW w/ Maëliss Conan
"For the next season, I really want to improve my free jump record which is currently at 1m19."
Maëliss Conan (FRA)
Free Jump Women's World #1
Nb of Comps in 2014: 6
Total score: 750
Best-3: 500
Polina Semenova for
Proofreading by Chloé Seyrès
Photo by Anthony Finocchiaro, Equipe de France Roller Freeride, Swamibu, Marjorie Saget
February 2015

The leader of the brand-new Free Jump World Ranking, French Maëliss Conan, won the Open Free Jump contest during the 2014 World Championships and showed us how high you can fly when
you put your skates on...

P.S. What does it feel like to be on top of the world ?
Maëliss. I am very proud of myself and very happy. It's like a reward for all the passion I have for skating, especially for this discipline.
P.S. What does it feels like to win the Open Competition during the WFSC 2014? Did you expect this?
Maëliss. I was and I am still very happy to have won this competition. Even if it was an open discipline, this victory is one of the most important for me! I hope that the Free Jump discipline
will become officially part of the World Championships as soon as possible.
I cannot say that I expected to win. On the contrary, even though I know we're never sure about how everything will turn out, for the first time since I've started skating I was nervous about the competition more than a month in advance. I was well aware of the motivation of the other competitors and I know they are not that far behind. I dreaded that competition a lot but it motivated me even more and I was ready for it. So that winning the competition was also a relief. There are a lot less women than men in Free Jump but the level is still quite tight. I would also like to congratulate my opponents! It may be a competition, but the atmosphere is still very friendly.

P.S. How long have you been skating?
Maëliss. I've been skating for about 11 years now. I started skating in my club, Dragon Riders, when it was created.
P.S. What does your typical training look like?
Maëliss. To train, I try to exercise regularly, do squats or go running, so that I keep a good physical base. Another excellent exercise for jumping is the jumping rope, which allows you to work
on your spring. My training place is not located in the city I live in. So I drive there when I can but I have to say that skating alone is not always good.
P.S. What do you think about the new Free Jump World Ranking? Will it motivate the skaters to train and compete more?
Maëliss. I think that making a free jump world ranking is a very good thing for the development of the discipline. Indeed, I think it will probably motivate more people to come and participate.
Actually, I think that the creation of that world ranking is in the order of things as for the development of general freeskating. It promises great competitions I think, at least I hope so!
P.S. Do you practice other skating disciplines?
Maëliss. I practice other disciplines. Sometimes I do speed slalom. I do not take part in all events, only when I really want to. I also do high jump but very rarely, I participate when I can! My
lastest discipline is skatecross. I love skatecross but the competition is very tough! The girls have a very good level, but it's all the more motivating!

P.S. What are your objectives for the upcoming season?
Maëliss. For the next season my goals are the same as always, enjoying skating and always trying to improve. Of course I really want to break my free jump record, which is currently at 1m19.
P.S. Do you plan to do more competitions in 2015?
Maëliss. Competitions require time and involvment. Of course if I have the means, I'll do as many competitions as possible without hesitation!
P.S. Thanks.
Maëliss. I wish to the skaters to continue to skate in a really good mood and keep on supporting one another! I really want to thank the other skaters for their motivation, Remi Dupeloux who was
my first coach and of course Flavien Dupeloux too, who's my new coach, and my club. I want to thank Seba too for the great events and support!

Polina Semenova for
Proofreading by Chloé Seyrès
Photo by Anthony Finocchiaro, Equipe de France Roller Freeride, Swamibu, Marjorie Saget
February 2015