INTERVIEW w/ Michał Sulinowski
"Stay positive!"
Michał Sulinowski (POL)
Freestyle Slalom Men's World #8
Speed Slalom Men's World #14
Nb of Comps in 2014: 29
Total score: 5621
Best-5: 1318
Polina Semenova for
Proofreading by Chloé Seyrès
Photo by Michał Sulinowski & Ksenija Komarchuk
Video by Michał Sulinowski
January 2015

On the menu of his brand-new interview: Season summary, travelling memories and plans for the upcoming season...
P.S. You finished the 2014 season at the WR#8. You've lost 5 places compared to December 2013 (#3). Do you know why? What do you think about your 2014 season?
Michał. It's not a big surprise for me that I've lost places in the ranking. I knew it from the beginning of the year, because in January 2014 I chose to go to Dubai instead of going to the
3-cone event in Hannover. It was a big deal for me because I had won the Classic at this competition in 2013, so that I lost 300 points...! But I still think it was good choice... Proof here,
just have a look at this !!!
P.S. At the end of last season you were planning to improve your Classic run, and your 2014 results speak for themselves: Bronze medal at the EFSC 2014, 3rd place at the PSWC, 2nd in Lishui in China and at the IFSC in Singapore, 1st in Conero Roller. Are you satisfied with your Classic improvements this year?
Michał. I'm quite satisfied with my Classic but I still think that I have to work on it. I skate too fast and my music is too complicated, and maybe it's difficult for the judges to catch the
right accents in my music. But of course I did a big step forward in doing a perfect run in Lishui. It was kind of a confirmation for me that it was possible!
P.S. In your last interview, you said that your biggest problem was your pressure management on competition. How did you handle this problem in 2014? Do you think it is less stressful to compete when you are a beginner or an experienced skater?
Michał. It's much better now. I'm still nervous before my run, but I can handle it. Again, the best example is Lishui: I was very nervous but I could focus on my skating and I did a perfect
performance. I think that experienced (pro) skaters can feel bigger pressure on winning etc. but they have more experience, so that some pro-skaters can handle it, but for sure it's not easy. On
the other hand, beginners usually feel pressure on big events and they are not sure about their skills, but they have nothing to loose. All in all, it just depends on the person.
P.S. What was your best competition performance in 2014?
Michał. Definitely my best competition performance is my Classic in Lishui. Check out why:
P.S. Do you have any regrets this year?
Michał. Nope. Stay positive!
P.S. Who impressed you the most in 2014?
Michał. I think that everybody knows about the new Russian skater, Sofia Bogdanova, but I will not speak about her. Batiz Lopez Ricardo from Mexico (WR#19) surprised me. I met him at the SEBA
Slalom Camp in Lishui, and he was not bad. But when I met with him later in Wuyishan I was really surprised about his improvements! He has a very good level now and I hope we will see more
skaters like him from Mexico!

P.S. You and Klaudia took part in a lot of Pair Classic competitions this year, sometimes being the only European couple of
the category. Why isn't it popular amongst European skaters? Do you plan to change or improve your pair run for 2015?
Michał. We are creating a new classic run now and I think that it's particularly difficult to create a pair program. First of all, it's hard to find somebody who has a similar level as you and
who is determined to do it as much as you are. The other thing is that classic pair programs are long... too long. These are probably the main reasons why European skaters don't take part in
classic pair, but I think there are more. For example, for me and Klaudia the biggest problem is the distance… 600km between us make it really hard.
P.S. What are your goals for 2015? Do you plan to travel a lot?
Michał. Travelling as much as I can and doing my best (or better).
P.S. Free space
Michał. Thank you for this interview and for delivering good stuff on World Slalom Series. Thanks to SEBA for making all of this possible for me! I wish everybody a great new season on skates!

Polina Semenova for
Proofreading by Chloé Seyrès
Photo by Michał Sulinowski & Ksenija Komarchuk
Video by Michał Sulinowski
January 2015