INTERVIEW w/ Simone Nai Oleari
"My main opponent this years will be, as always, the chronometer! I’d really like to beat my best times."
Simone Nai Oleari (ITA)
Speed Slalom Men's World #1
Nb of Comps in 2014: 6
Total score: 1564
Best-4: 1138
Polina Semenova for
Proofreading by Maryam Amiand
Photo by Ksenija Komarchuk, Kitty Emily, Slide-open Spirit, KSJ
Video by vynnrp & georgejrchiu
March 2015

The Men’s Speed Slalom World #1, Simone Nai Oleari, talks with us about his past season, his “relationship” with the WFSC and his plans for the upcoming season in this brand
P.S. How can you analyze your performances of the 2014 season?
Simone. I think my performances in 2014 were almost as stable as the year before. I always kept my trainings on a high level, continuously trying new ways of training in order to improve them,
and the outcome of it in competitions was quite good, with 2 second places (in Moscow and in the European Championship) and two remarkable first places in Namwon and Shanghai. Overall I have to
say that I’m also satisfied with the results I got in January in Hannover, where I got a 5th place while competing with fever (I had something like 38°C). That time I thought to go to the event
only to see the competition as a spectator, but when I was there and I saw other skaters training, I couldn’t resist to put my skates on!
P.S. Is there a competition you are particularly proud of?
Simone. Undoubtedly, Shanghai. Yes, yes I did a very good competition there, and I won the gold. But it’s not the main reason, I think you’ll be surprised by my answer: in my opinion, the most
remarkable moment of this event was before the finals of Speed Slalom, in Bund, even before the competition. I remember that I was so amused watching the opening show made by other skaters… At
that moment, it was all about the show!! And I remember I was so happy, and grateful to them, because it was so cool and the simple thought that they were performing for all of us, competitors,
was really exciting and also very touching for me! At this precise moment, I felt so proud to be lucky enough to be there and see all of this with my own eyes. To be honest, I always enjoyed
watching the performance of other skaters, but this time, I think the opening ceremony was really amazing (I had only felt the same thing once, at the opening show that I saw in South Korea, in
2012). Maybe I won because my spirits were so high thanks to the show! I suggest you to go and watch it on Youtube, because it is definitely worth it!! And after that, if you see the men KO of
speed slalom, I think you’ll notice that I was still cheerful from the previous show!
P.S. Any regret for this past year?
Simone. I don’t really have any regret for the past season. I think that overall I was very lucky and I have to be happy and thankful for it. Even concerning the WFSC. It’s not possible to match
all the goods results I got everywhere with the bad results I only get in WFSC. It’s not proportionate or fair. I’m simply starting to think, with a “philosophical” attitude that it’s just that
between me and the WFSC, there isn’t such a great “chemistry”! Honestly I just believe that being first in the World Ranking is much more valuable than winning a single competition. And I’m
really more than satisfied by my 26 months in total at the top of the World Ranking!
Video by vynnrp
Video by georgejrchiu
Attention, this video is not from WSSA and contains numerous errors in the titles and
names of the participants.

P.S. Who impressed you the most in 2014?
Simone. There are so many skaters! Well, first come Wang Tzu Chien: she is really impressive!! She’s really doing an amazing job!! Then, I really really like Su Fei Qian and (as always) Feng Hui
performances! And, last but not least, the two invincible Russians, Kuznetsova Daria and Timchenko Sergey really impressed me. I want to thank all of them for the thrill they gave me with their
amazing performances last year.
P.S. Who do you think will be your main opponent in 2015?
Simone. My main opponent this years will be, as always, the chronometer! I’d really like to beat my best times. It’s not going to be easy, I know, but I’m trying my best to make it happen! I work
a lot on my trainings, again and again, on balancing everything, mixing all my skills and knowledge that I acquired during these years to improve everything. I think it’s doable, I know it’s will
be very hard, but still, I think it’s possible! So, please, wish me good luck!
P.S. What are your goals for 2015?
Simone. As I said before, I don’t really have such a great “relationship” with the WFSC, and I’d like to work to change it this year. Of course, it’s all if I’m lucky enough to participate at the
next WFSC!

P.S. Do you plan to compete a lot this year?
Simone. I dream to be able to compete every weekend, everywhere. But I have to face reality, and I’m going to do my best to match my will to compete as much as possible with the constraints of
the real world!
P.S. Do you have a last word for this interview? Someone you wish to thank?
Simone. I would like to thank all my friends, from all around the world, who text me and support me so much. You are the energy that make my spirit strong enough to train so hard, and so much, to
have these results. My podiums are for you. Thank you also for this interview. Thanks to all the skating friends who, when I was in Russia during my birthday, were so warm and gentle, and gave me
so many sweets and delicious cakes! Then I would also like to thank my sponsor and my team. I also want to thank my parents, they are always very supportive, even if they can’t see me compete in
real time because they say it’s too stressful for their hearts! To finish, I will say that I hope to see you all, skaters and friends, this year again, and that I hope 2015 will a year full of
fun, as all the years were since I started competing in WSSA events in 2009! I’m so grateful for the WSSA events, they gave me so many good times and memories. Please continue this way! Ciao!

Polina Semenova for
Proofreading by Maryam Amiand
Photo by Ksenija Komarchuk, Kitty Emily, Slide-open Spirit, KSJ
Video by vynnrp & georgejrchiu
March 2015