INTERVIEW w/ Tiffany Derisbourg
"I can definitely say that the 2014 season brought me a lot."
Tiffany Derisbourg (FRA)
Speed Slalom Women's World #3
Nb of Comps in 2014: 11
Total score: 1878
Best-4: 1074
Polina Semenova for
Proofreading by Maryam Amiand
Photo by Tutti Photography, Ksenija Komarchuk, Denis Shirobokov
March 2015

Interview with Tiffany Derisbourg, Speed Slalom European Champion of 2014 and Women's Speed Slalom World #3, on her 2014 year and her objectives for this upcoming season.
P.S. The last season seemed to be very successful for you: winner at the PSWC, European Champion title and 3rd place in the World Ranking…. Are you satisfied with your personal achievements this year? How do you analyze your results?
Tiffany. I’m very happy with my last international season, it’s the first year since I started skating at an international level that I actually win a competition, so winning the PSWC and the
European Championship was really a great satisfaction. I can definitely say that the 2014 season brought me a lot.
P.S. What did you feel and think about the WFSC 2014? Were you satisfied by your result or did you expected more? Who impressed you the most?
Tiffany. Concerning the WFSC in Paris, I really like it, personally, because it changed from the Asian Championships. My only regret is that I was really up to the World Championship, I didn't
manage to show my best. But I’m still very satisfied with my season. The two skaters who impressed me the most during the event are the two persons who are above me in the World Ranking. Zoe’s
performance in Speed Slalom really amazed me, and the most impressive skater in my opinion is Wang Tzu Chien, World’s #1 in Speed Slalom.
P.S. In February 2015 you finally entered the top 3 of the Speed Slalom Women World’s Ranking. Do you think it’s possible for you to climb even higher in the ranking?
Tiffany. I think it’s still possible to win some places, but that you require that I do more international competitions.
P.S. What was your best competition experience in 2014?
Tiffany. It’s quite difficult to chose only one event… The PSWC 2014 is my first international victory, and it allowed me to prove and show that I am capable of winning. Then, the European
Championship also allowed me to show that my victory at the PSWC wasn't just about me being lucky that my opponent, Barbara Bossi, wasn't there. During this particular event, I proved to myself
that I was able to win, that I could do it. But then, there was this summer trip to Shanghai and then Lishui, in China, which made me realize that I still had to hang on and persevere because
nothing is acquired.

P.S. Do you have any regret this year?
Tiffany. No, I don’t really have any regret this year, there was much more joy and happiness than sadness.
P.S. What do you want for 2015? What are your objectives?
Tiffany. For 2015, I’d like to keep my titles and get another one: the title of World Champion! I work very hard to get to this objective! :)
P.S. A final word to conclude the interview? Anyone you'd like to particularly thank?
Tiffany. I’d like to thank Pierre Celat for this year in the French team, and the members of the French team and my club, Rollerbug too, for their support. I’d also like to thank SEBA for
organizing so wonderfully the events and for allowing me to go to China this summer and gain a little more experience.

Polina Semenova for
Proofreading by Maryam Amiand
Photo by Tutti Photography, Ksenija Komarchuk, Denis Shirobokov
March 2015