Namwon Korea Open 2015

The first 3-cone event of 2015 was held on April 25th to 27th, in Namwon (Korea). Skaters from no less than 15 countries competed against each other for the victory of the very first main event of the year, in Freestyle Battle, Classic, Speed Slalom and Pair Freestyle.
Women's Classic

Klaudia Hartmanis (Pol, #2) opened her competing season at Namwon with a victory in the Classic discipline. Last year, she only ended up second, and the year before she had already won the contest in Classic too. Klaudia showed us her new Classic run, which she successfully performed. Maryna Boiko (Ukr, #3) improved her results from last year, and finished second instead of her previous rank of third. She also presented us her new run, but she didn’t manage all her tricks and got penalties for some kicked cones. Camilla Morbidoni (Ita, #8), who ended up with great results at the PSWC last year, got the bronze. She performed a very clean and artistic run that looks very promising for the upcoming season.
1. Hartmanis Klaudia (Pol)
2. Boiko Maryna (Ukr)
3. Morbidoni Camilla (Ita)
4. Granjon Zoe (Fra)
5. Kulagina Yulia (Rus)

Hartmanis Klaudia - 1st place. Video by Rollerschool
Men's Classic

Lee Choong Goon (Kor, #10) renewed his victory of the past year, with a very clean and smooth performance. The world #2, Ye Hao Qin (Chn) finished just behind him with a second position obtained thanks to a clean, fast and technical run. Michal Sulinowski (Pol, #6) took the third place, improving his result from the past year when he only finished 8th of the discipline.
1. Lee Choong Goon (Kor)
2. Ye Hao Qin (Chn)
3. Sulinowski Michal (Pol)
4. Sawangsri Kanchanok (Tha)
5. Yu Jin Seong (Kor)

Lee Choong Goon (Kor, #10) : “I felt like the competition was very meaningful to me and I’m proud that I have a 1st position in Classic slalom. I’m also very happy because my students have good results too”.
Lee Choong Goon - 1st place. Video by Rollerschool
Junior Classic

Feng Hui (Chn, #4) got the victory in the Junior Women’s category, thanks to her very clean and artistic performance of her new Classic run. The second place went (once again) to Chiu Yin Hsuan (Tpe, #22). Ren Xin Rui (Chn, #114) ended up third.
Zhang Tian Yu (Chn, #83) won the Classic Junior Men’s competition, and showed a technical run which he performed in a very clean way. Lai Hsu Chieh (Tpe, #128) presented a great performance as well, which allowed him to take the second place. Lo Ng Shuen (Hkg, #32) finished on the third step of the podium.
1. Feng Hui (Chn)
2. Chiu Yin Hsuan (Tpe)
3. Ren Xin Rui (Chn)
4. Moritoki Mika (Jpn)
5. Zeng Jia Xin (Chn)
1. Zhang Tian Yu (Chn)
2. Lai Hsu Chieh (Tpe)
3. Lo Ng Shuen (Hkg)
4. Chan Man Fung Anson (Hkg)
5. Ng Wing Hang (Hkg)

Feng Hui - 1st place. Video by Rollerschool
Zhang Tian Yu - 1st place. Video by Rollerschool
Classic Slalom Pair

The Korean duo Lee Jung Hyun and Lee Choong Goon won the Pair Freestyle, repeating their result from last year. Their Korean colleagues, Kim Jun Kyeom and Yu Jin Seong took the second place. The only European pair competing in this discipline, Klaudia Hartmanis and Michal Sulinowski from Poland, ended up third.
1. Lee Jung Hyun / Lee Choong Goon (Kor)
2. Kim Jun Kyeom / Yu Jin Seong (Kor)
3. Hartmanis Klaudia / Sulinowski Michal (Pol)
4. Hsieh Mu‐Lun / Chiu Yin‐Hsuan (Tpe)
5. Guo Fang / Ye Hao Qin (Chn)

Lee Jung Hyun / Lee Choong Goon - 1st place. Video by Rollerschool
Women’s Freestyle Battle

Feng Hui (Chn, #4) added one more victory to her collection by winning the Battle final. She performed very technical runs with X foot gun wheeling and variations on the toe, finishing with a crazy Last Trick: a super fast toe-seven on both the 80 lines. Feng Hui left behind Zoe Granjon (Fra, #6) who took the second place. Maryna Boiko (Pol, #2) finished 3rd. The Senior Classic winner, Klaudia Hartmanis (Pol, #2) who had won this category in the past two years, ended up only one step away from the podium.
1. Feng Hui (Chn)
2. Granjon Zoe (Fra)
3. Boiko Maryna (Ukr)
4. Hartmanis Klaudia (Pol)
Video by frozwheel
Men’s Freestyle

Ye Hao Qin (Chn, #2) won the Battle final, renewing his result form 2013. He performed very fast and quite clean runs, with hard toe combos and sitting tricks. Alexandre Claris (Fra, #4) took the second place of the competition, leaving behind him Kanchanok Sawangsri from Thailand (#9) in the 3rd place and Lo Ng Shuen (Hkg, #32) in the 4th position.
1. Ye Hao Qin (Chn)
2. Claris Alexandre (Fra)
3. Sawangsri Kanchanok (Tha)
4. Lo Ng Shuen (Hkg)
Video by frozwheel
Speed Slalom Women

Wang Tzu Chien (Tpe, #1) repeated her result from last year by winning the final against Zoe Granjon (Fra, #2). Liang Hsuan Min (Tpe, #128) performed the best qualification time (5,105 sec) and won the consolation final against Klaudia Hartmanis (Pol, #5), taking the 3rd place for her and leaving the 4th place for Klaudia.
1. Wang Tzu-Chien (Tpe)
2. Granjon Zoe (Fra)
3. Liang Hsuan‐Min (Tpe)
4. Hartmanis Klaudia (Pol)
Speed Slalom Men

Guo Fang (Chn, #4) won the Speed Slalom Final. Ye Hao Qin (Chn, #1) did great and finished second, which allowed him to end up leading the Speed Slalom Men world ranking. Wu Dong Yan (Tpe, #10) finished 3rd, and Simone Nai Oleari (Ita, #3), who performed the best qualification time (4,396 sec) finished 4th.
1. Guo Fang (Chn)
2. Ye Hao Qin (Chn)
3. Wu Dong Yan (Tpe)
4. Nai Oleari Simone (Ita)

Guo Fang (Chn, #4) : “ I have lots of memories from the Namwon competition. I may not come back to Namwon as a competitor as I may retire from competition after this year. I was surprised myself, I thought I would not be able to get used to the ground at first. I did very badly during the Time Trials”.
Junior Speed Slalom

In the Junior Women’s category, Lo Pei Yu (Tpe, #29), who performed the best qualification time (4,870 sec), won the final in front of newcomer Chen Bei Yi (Tpe). Zeng Jia Win (Chn, #113) won the consolation against Feng Hui (Chn, #24).
In the Junior Men’s category, Chan Man Fung Anson (Hkg, #47) won the final in front of Lai Hsu Chieh (Tpe, #134). Chou Chi You (Tpe, #137) who did the best qualification time (5,105 sec) won the consolation final against Lee Chak Him (Hkg, #62).
1. Lo Pei-Yu (Tpe)
2. Chen Bei-Yi (Tpe)
3. Zeng Jia Xin (Chn)
4. Feng Hui (Chn)
1. Chan Man Fung Anson (Hkg)
2. Lai Hsu Chieh (Tpe)
3. Chou Chi You (Tpe)
4. Lee Chak Him (Hkg)
Polina Semenova for
Proofreading by Maryam Amiand
Interviews by Terence Cheung
Photo by Carroll Wong, Young Chon Kim
Video by Rollerschool, Frozwheel
May 2015