PSWC 2015
July 17-19, PARIS

The first day of the PSWC was also dedicated to the Slides competitions. 25 men and 13 women challenged each other in this discipline. In the women category, the current World Champion and world number one, Bohdana Hotsko (Esp), performed excellent slides and won the Slides final! She improved her result from last year when she finished at the second place after her main opponent, Fokina Olga (Rus, #2). This time, Olga, despite her good runs, let Bohdana win and finished at the second position. The world number three, Natalia Krykova (Rus) repeated her result from last year and ended up third. Daria Konyukhova (Rus, #22) did great finishing fourth, this is her best result so far!

Men Slides competition brought us some surprises. The Spanish skater, Enrique Rubio Mesas (Esp, #16) participated to his fifth slides competition ever and won the challenge in front of all his strong opponents! By the way, last year he only finished at the 9th place, so this is his very best result for the moment. The winner of the past year, Carlos Nelson (Esp, #3) finished at the second step of the podium. The current world number two, Brais García Fernandez (Esp) improved his result of the last year, going from the 6th to the 3rd place. The European Champion 2014, Aleksey Martsenyuk (Ukr, #12) ended up fourth.
Here are short interviews with the winners, the Spanish representatives, Bohdana Hotsko and Enrique Rubio Mesas!
P.S. Last year you were second and won this year. Did you expect to get the first place? What did you feel climbing on the first step of the podium?
B.H. This year I was more confident than last year and expected the victory. I trained a lot after the World Championships and I am very satisfied with my achievement!
P.S. Are you happy with all your performances of this PSWC?
B.H. After the WFSC I focused only on the Slides discipline. Therefore I almost didn't train other disciplines so I can't say that my results are good.
P.S. Who is your strongest opponent at the present moment?
B.H. Like last year, my strongest competitors are Russian skaters.
P.S. Who impressed you the most during this event?
B.H. Rubio Mesas despite his very small experience performed in very stable manner. I love his capacity to compete, he always shows long and perfect slides and he is never nervous!
P.S. On which tricks you are working now?
B.H. I am practicing some new combos and working on the length of my slides.
P.S. What is the next event for you? Which competitions are you dreaming about?
B.H. Next events for me will be WFSC and EFSC in Italy. I would like to participate in Rollerclub Cup in Moscow and visit Chinese events.
P.S. Do you have a last word for this interview? Anyone you’d like to thank or something you wish for all the skaters?
B.H. I thank everyone who supported me during PSWC, the Spanish team and In-Gravity! I wish to all the Slides participants more good and stable slides.
P.S. В прошлом году ты была второй, а в этом году победила! Ожидала ли ты победы? Что ты чувствовала, стоя на первом месте подиума?
B.H. В этом году я больше, чем в прошлый раз, рассчитывала на победу. После Чемпионата Мира я очень много тренировалась, так что я очень довольна своим результатом.
P.S. Ты осталась довольна всеми своими выступлениями на этих соревнованиях?
B.H. После Чемпионата Мира я полностью сфокусировалась на слайдах. Я практически не тренировала другие дисциплины, так что не особо довольна другими результатами.
P.S. Кто твой сильнейший соперник на данный момент?
B.H. Как и в прошлом году, мои главные конкуренты - русские спортсменки.
P.S. Кто тебя особенно впечатлил на этих соревнованиях?
B.H. Энрике Рубио Месас! Несмотря на небольшой опыт участия в соревнованиях, его выступления всегда очень стабильны. Я завидую его умению соревноваться, он никогда не нервничает и показывает
стабильные длинные слайды!
P.S. Над какими трюками ты сейчас работаешь?
B.H. Как и раньше я работаю над длиной своих слайдов и тренирую новые комбо.
P.S. Какие следующие соревнования ты посетишь? В каких соревнованиях мечтаешь поучаствовать?
B.H. Моими следующими соревнованиями будут Чемпионаты Европы и Мира в Италии. Мне бы очень хотелось поехать в Москву на кубок Роллерклуба и в Китай.
P.S. Хочешь сказать что-нибудь всем райдерам или поблагодарить кого-нибудь?
B.H. Спасибо всем, кто меня поддерживал на этих соревнованиях! Испанской команде и моему спонсору, магазину in-Gravity. Всем желаю побольше хороших и интересных слайдов!
P.S. This is your best result so far! What did you set as an objective before the final?
E.R. While training I saw that the level was very high and I didn’t expect to qualify for the final and even less to win, so that was a big surprise for me.
P.S. What did you feel climbing on the first step of the podium?
E.R. For me is a huge satisfaction that motivates me to train harder and harder, because you only win with efforts and perseverance.
P.S. Who do you consider your strongest opponent?
E.R. I think in Spain there is too much level now; I think that Brais Garcia and Carlos Nelson, are both strong opponents.
P.S. How long has it been since you started skating? How often do you train? What disciplines other than Slides do you practice?
E.R. When I was a kid I used to skate but it has been 4 years since I started skating seriously. I practiced Hockey and Speed Skating but in 2013 I changed to Freestyle. Depending on my school
schedule I practice more or less, but now in summer I try to train between 1 or 2 hours daily. Beside Slides I usually I compete in Speed Slalom and Jumps, but I dedicate less time to these two
P.S. What is the next event for you? Which event do you dream of participating in?
E.R. At least currently I am planning go to Battle Sevilla that will be held in September, but I will also try going to EFSC. I would love going to WFSC, but that may be harder.
P.S. Do you want to thank anyone in particular?
E.R. I want to express all my gratitude to my family and my club for all their support. Also, thanks to « La Armada Española » for cheering me better than anybody.
P.S. Enrique, este ha sido tu mejor resultado hasta el momento, cuéntanos : ¿Qué lugar te habías fijado como objetivo para la final?
E.R. Durante el entrenamiento el nivel se veía alto y no me esperaba llegar a la final y menos aun ganar. Así que ha sido una gran sorpresa para mi.
P.S. ¿Cuál fue tu sentimiento al ocupar la marcha del primer lugar en el pódium?
E.R. Para mi es una gran satisfacción y me motiva para entrenar mas aun ya que solo se gana con esfuerzo y constancia.
P.S. ¿A quién consideras como tu mayor oponente?
E.R. En España hay bastante nivel en estos momentos y pienso que tanto Brais García como Carlos Nelson son fuertes oponentes.
P.S. ¿Desde hace cuánto tiempo patinas? ¿Cada cuándo entrenas? ¿Qué otras disciplinas además del Freestyle Slides
E.R. Ya patinaba de pequeño pero comencé en serio hace unos 4 años. He hecho hockey en línea y patinaje de velocidad hasta que en 2013 me cambié al Freestyle. Dependiendo de los estudios entreno
mas o menos, ero ahora en verano suelo entrenar entre 1 hora y 2 horas diarias. Además de derrapes también suelo competir en Speed Slalom y Saltos, pero a esta dos modalidades les dedico menos
P.S. ¿Cuál será el próximo evento en el que te veremos participar?
E.R. En principio tengo pensado ir a la Battle de Sevilla en septiembre, pero intentare también ir al EFSC. Me encantaría poder ir al WFSC , pero eso ya es mas complicado.
P.S. ¿Quisieras expresar algún agradecimiento?
E.R. Agradezco todo el apoyo de mi familia y de mi club. También a toda la Armada Española por animar mas que nadie.
Polina Semenova for
Proofreading by Maryam Amiand
Photo by Sebaskates
July 2015