The 2015 WFSC through the eyes of Bohdana Hotsko

The 2015 season was very successful for Bohdana. She won all the competitions she took part in, improving her EFSC and PSWC results from the second to the first places and confirming her World Champion title from last year! In this overview, the double World Champion and current European Champion is looking back to the most important competition of the year, where she showed a brilliant performance!
Bohdana : "I was working hard for a long time to achieve my goals. I am so happy! Of course I can't complain about my results. Coming back from Italy, I compared the videos from 2015 and 2014 World Championships and I was happy with what I saw. I significantly improved my skating skills, as well as the speed and technique of my slides.
I was hoping to win this Championships… This is my second WFSC, and I can cope with the nerves better and better. Of course, before such an important competition like the World Championships, I was feeling nervous. But after my good results at the European Championships and Paris Slalom World Cup I was trying not to lose the confidence.
Probably, the most difficult moment of this event was to leave Turin ahead of time. I'd love to see everyone and everything in all disciplines. During the World Championships every skater is trying to show their best and it deserves the public's attention.
The most memorable moment was the first day when I just came for the registration and checked what was going on, looking in the hall. The first thing I saw was a toe heel cross ufo, made by Senarat Puri from Thailand! My joy knew no bounds. To see all these slides which I saw so many times only on the video right there, during the competitions - it was an incredible feeling!
For me, this season is almost over, but I am not going to stop. I will train on my slides' length and stability and try to work on some new slides for the next season as well. Of course I hope to take part to as much competitions as I can!"

Polina Semenova for
Photo by Mokeeva Natalia
November 2015