Chinese skaters continue to win!!! Ye Hao Qin won the Speed Slalom gold medal!
The fastest qualification ever was held during this Championships. TOP-16 was under the time 4, 65 sec!
Bronze medalist 2014, Ye Hao Qin won his first gold medal in the Speed Slalom and replenished Chinese medal's collection. After the hard fight with his
teammate, Pan Yu Shuo, the Junior World Champion of the last year, who showed the best qualification time this time (4,304 sec), Ye Hao Qin won the last decisive
run and received the gold medal in Speed, just like he promised in his last year's interview.
"I am very happy with my results, it's so great!", the Champion said, "now I will focus in the Battle and Classic for doing my best. I thank my teammates for their support!"
The European Champion 2015, Raphael Giron from France finished his first World Championships ever in the consolation final against Simone Nai Oleari,
who showed the second best qualification time (4,351 sec).
Raphaël won 1st run, then Simone was faster and perfectly clean at the second. French skater won the third race and received his first bronze World Championships medal!