WSS Brasil 4 : Victor Fialkovics showed his best result ever!

The annual prime event WSS Brasil was held at the end of November in Fortaleza. Victor Fialkovics showed his best result ever, winning three main disciplines in one event! Last year he was the best rider in Freestyle Classic and Battle Disciplines. This time he improved his personal record, adding to his collection the first place in Speed Slalom! Check his comments here:
"I am very happy with my results!", the winner said, "Each podium position was a conquer for me. I was very nervous, because I was going to show my performance in front of many people and they expected me to do my best. The pressure was strong, that was the most difficult part for me! However, the event was amazing, the structure was perfect, the place was full of good energy and everything was very well organized. It was so good to compete and to be judged by Igor Cheremetieff, Jon Larrucea and Julian Andres!"
Video by ISB Vídeos
Polina Semenova for
Photo by Eder Bicudo Tavares
Video by ISB Vídeos
December 2015