Updates and Changes Overview
Polina Semenova for WorldSlalomSeries.com
Proofreading by Maryam Amiand
May 2015
The new edition of the WSSA Ruleset was published in March 2015. After the major changes in 2014, here is the new version of the ruleset, with some additions and corrections. This extract of the updates presents to your attention some of the major changes. As said earlier, it is just a review of the rulebook, please be sure to read and refer to the rulebook if you wish to be further acquainted with the details of the rules.
The first important news concern the new World Ranking for the Pair Classic Freestyle Slalom. Here are the main changes for the Pair Classic Freestyle Slalom discipline:
- In the case of the WFSC, both skaters must represent the same nation.
- Each pair will be given a WSSA ID for the Pair World Ranking.
- A skater which is in more than one pair will have more than one ID number for the World Ranking.
Concerning the Battle, combos are officially not accepted anymore for the Last or the Best trick. Judges will stop judging exactly after the regulatory 30 seconds and all tricks out of the time will not count. Also, the execution of elements will be judged more strictly.
- A trick is considered as inside the line if a wheel crosses either of the lines parallel to the side edges of the cones.
It is now possible to have a Junior category for the Battle!
- If there are enough competitors in an age division, a competition category, including in Battle, can be further divided into Junior and Senior. The final decision is at the discretion of the head judge of the competition and the event organizer.
No considerable change for the Classic Slalom category. The only changes concern the penalties.
- If part of a costume is deliberately removed or thrown then it is considered as an accessory, and thus a penalty will be applied. (Check the penalties table)
- Unclear clothes issues are Head Judge’s decision.
New parts have been integrated to the table of penalties.
Penalties on Moved Cones and Missed Cone Intervals were revised.
- If more than 5 cone intervals have been left uncrossed by the skater, a 5 point penalty will be applied. If the number of intervals left uncrossed is between 1 and 5, no penalty will be applied. If the skater jumps a cone/interval, and then comes back later to pass it, it is considered as crossed.
The falling penalties have been increased, the penalty range is now of 2 to 5 points.
New penalties were added.
- If a skater’s music is received after the submission deadline, a 10-point penalty is applied.
- If a skater’s music is not received before the end of the team leader meeting, or in the case when there is no team leader meeting, before 6pm (local time) the day before competition, the skater will not be permitted to compete.
- Loss of clothing including the accessories will be charged 2 points.
- Using clothing as accessories will cause disqualification.
For the Speed Slalom part, concerning FreeStart, the start command is officially "Ready" now. Here are a few comments about the start position and the entering of the cone line.
- The start command for a FreeStart qualification run is: “On Your Marks” followed by “Ready”
- The skater’s front foot must be within the starting box (40cm x 2m) and no part of it, wheels included, should touch the front and back starting lines. Parts of the back foot may touch the back starting line. Both skates, or parts of them, must touch the ground and must not be rolling. The first forward movement of the skate must pass the starting line. The oscillation of the skater’s body is allowed.
- A line, perpendicular to the cones and levelled with the front edge of the first cone, marks the end of the speedup area and the beginning of the slaloming area.
Concerning the Slides rules, the changes are:
- The dismissed slide is used in the event of a tie.
- Slides that continue outside of the Slide Area are considered incomplete slides, and only the section inside the Slide Area will be counted.
- For 3-cone events and above, the minimum length for a single slide is 2 m.
- A Slide Combination (combo) consists in 2 or more single sliding tricks combined with transitions into 1 slide. In combos, the minimum length of each slide is 2 m (for 3cone events and above) and the transition distance must not exceed 1 m.
- Skaters must show slides from a minimum of two different families.
You will find some changes concerning the registration as well, including an explanation of what to do in the event of a change of nationality.
- In the eventuality that a competitor changes his nationality, he must retain his new nationality for a minimum of 1 year and will receive a new WSSA ID. A skater cannot change his nationality during a season (Jan. 1st till Dec.31st) after confirmation of his nationality or registration at his first event. Each case where a skater would like to change his country citizenship would be subject to approval by WSSA.
Number tags will be compulsory for 3-cone events and above for Speed Slalom and Jump.
- Number tags should be provided by the event organizer, for 3cone competitions and above, for Speed Slalom and Jump. The head judge will specify where and when they must be displayed by competitors, depending on the layout of the competition area. No alteration of the number tag is permitted.
To avoid penalties during competitions, be sure you informed the registration about any change of registration details, and don’t be late for registration.
- Any changes of registration details, including names for pair freestyle, must be done before the registration deadline. Changes after the registration deadline will not be accepted.
- Competitors that do not check in for a category before the check‐in deadline set by the organizer will be disqualified from that category.
There is no “Youth” category anymore, the age frames for Junior and Senior have been changed. In special and particular cases, a rider may choose once and for all his category in the beginning of the season but this decision cannot be changed afterwards.
- 10< Junior <16 years old - Senior 16+ years old.
E.g. in 2015, Seniors are born on or before Dec.31st, 1998. Juniors are born on or after Jan.1st, 1999, and, on or before Dec.31st, 2005.
Note : Only the skaters on the following list are allowed to compete in the Senior Category, and will not be allowed to compete in the Junior category.
Men :
- Timchenko Sergey (Rus); ID : 11511102194; Birth Date : 13.03.2002
- Rosato Roberto (Ita); ID : 10911202641; Birth Date : 14.10.1999
Women :
- Arabi Laya (Iri); ID : 20871304013; Birth Date : 16.02.1999
- Dubinchik Ksenia (Rus); ID : 21511101213; Birth Date : 15.06.1999
- Kuznetsova Daria (Rus); ID : 21511001011; Birth Date : 21.12.1999
- Zenkova Anastasia (Rus); ID : 21511102204; Birth Date : 14.04.2002
- Morbidoni Camilla (Ita); ID : 20911000956; Birth Date : 14.02.2000
Polina Semenova for WorldSlalomSeries.com
Proofreading by Maryam Amiand
May 2015