World Ranking December 2016
The final World Ranking 2016 is officially published. The last prime event of the year, which took place in Chile on the 10th of December, didn't bring any big change at the world's top and all the previous leaders kept their leadership for another month.

New video : WFSC 2016 - Slides and Free Jump
The fourth day of the World Championships 2016, dedicated to Slides and Jumps disciplines, in the new video, filmed and edited by César Domínguez Castro.

Ambroise Nicolao : the first senior victory !
Rzeszów Slalom Battle 2016 was held in Poland in the first weekend of November. During this two cones competition, the 2015 Vice-European Champion in the Junior Classic, Ambroise Nicolao (Fra) won his first event in the Senior category!

The new videos : WFSC 2016 with Cesar D
A quick return to the most important competition of this season through the videos, filmed and edited by César Domínguez Castro, and dedicated to every single day of the recently past World Freestyle Skating Championships.

WFSC 2016, Day 4 : Freestyle Slides and Free Jump
The last day of the World Freestyle Skating Championships 2016 was dedicated to Freestyle Slides and Free Jump disciplines. Thailand received the first gold medal ever! China won one more gold and the two last gold medals of this championships went to France.

WFSC 2016, Day 3 : Freestyle Battle
The Freestyle Battle competitions were held during the third day of the WFSC 2016. Russian skaters were the strongest during the Senior Battle while Chinese athletes won the Junior finals.

WFSC 2016, Day 2 : Freestyle Classic and Slalom Pair
The second day of the WFSC 2016 was dedicated to Freestyle Classic. China and Russia received 2 gold medals each, Italy won one gold too!

WFSC 2016, Day 1 : Speed Slalom
The WFSC 2016 officially started this Friday, November 18th, with the Speed Slalom discipline. 140 participants from all over the world were competing for the first set of the 2016 WFSC medals.

New video : European Freestyle Slalom Championships 2016
Check out the video overview of the European Freestyle Skating Championships 2016, made by Zibi Studio. This time, the video was filmed by Polish skaters and highlight their best moments of this important event.

New video : BUSTO BATTLE VII (2O16)
The seventh edition of the Busto Battle was held in the beginning of October in Busto Arsizio, Italy. See the best moments of this main international event in the new video, made by Jeremy Vallauri.

Lo Pei-Yu : I hope to confirm my Junior Speed Slalom World Champion title this year.
The current Junior Speed Slalom World Champion and the triple WSSA Speed Slalom world records' holder, Lo Pei-Yu (Tpe), shares her skating story with us in this interview, made by Carroll Wong during the Asian Skating Championship.

New video - Miriam Fatmi Garcia
Check out this brand-new video from sunny Spain, filmed and edited by Cesar D and starring Miriam Fatmi Garcia!

New video : Carlos Nelson - Profile 2016(s&s)
The current Vice-European Champion, Carlos Nelson presents his annual skating profile. Check out the new freestyle slalom and slides tricks in this video, filmed and edited by Cesar Dominguez!

New video : CERS Ciudad Real 2016
Here is the video overview of the European Freestyle Skating Championships, made by Cesar D. Remember how it was, watching the best moments of the event, thanks to the Spanish Team.

The 9th WSSA awards ceremony will be held during the World Freestyle Skating Championships 2016, on November 17th - 21st, in Bangkok, Thailand. It is time for you to vote to elect the best freestyle skaters all over the world.

New video : Rolling in SSO 2016
Feel the ambience of the biggest Asian slalom competition in the new video, made by Vidal XM. The Shanghai Slalom Open (SSO) was held in China in October, 13th-16th and gathered more than 90 skaters from 17 different countries! Enjoy the best moments of this famous event!

Shanghai Slalom Open 2016 : results and new Free Start WSSA World Record!
The biggest Asian slalom competition, Shanghai Slalom Open (SSO), was held in China in the middle of October. More than 90 skaters from 17 countries arrived to be part of this famous 3 cones event. Here are the news from the 2016 SSO podiums.

EFSC 2016 brought us two WSSA WORLD records!
The recently passed European Freestyle Skating Championships held in Ciudad Real, Spain, was rich and brought us 2 new world records!

Sofia Bogdanova : more than 50 millions of views on Facebook!!!
The current Junior European Champion, little Russian prodigy, Sofia Bogdanova, has fans all over the world. The video of her Classic run, filmed by SlalomTimTeam, got more than 50 millions of views on the Bleacher Report Facebook page.

New video : TeamRussia at the EFSC 2016
The European Freestyle Skating Championships 2016 was held on October 6th - 9th in Ciudad Real, Spain. See how everything went, through the Russian team's eyes, who share all their best EFSC moments in this video.

EFSC 2016 : Speed, Battle, Classic and Pair Slalom.
The European Freestyle Skating Championship 2016 was held in Ciudad Real, Spain in the beginning of October. Here you can find the pictures and results of the Speed and Freestyle Slalom disciplines!

EFSC 2016. Day 1st : Freestyle Slides and Free Jump.
The European Freestyle Skating Championship 2016 is taking place now in Ciudad Real, Spain. Here are the first day's news and results!

The Busto Battle winners 2016!
The 5th European main event 2016 was held in Busto Arsizio in the first weekend of October. More than 100 best international skaters were competing for the victory in all the main disciplines.

New video : Marshal Cup 2016, Iran-Tehran
Here is the official video of the first Iranian prime event, which was held in Tehran in the middle of August. In addition to the two cones competition, there was the judge course, organised by the international judges, Vladimir Tkachev and Anatoly Gorbatov. Also, Sergey Timchenko and Andrey Shitov made a slalom work shop for the local skaters!

New video : TimTeam Brofile 2016
Check out the new video, filmed by Denis Shirobokov and starring the current leaders of the Men's freestyle world ranking, Sergey & Alexandr Timchenko! This new profile video will impress you by the highest tricks level and will inspire you for your next slalom routine!

World Slalom Series E-Shop
Great news for the World Slalom Series skaters and the events organisers! Now you can buy some of our products directly from the Facebook! Find the World Slalom Series T-shirts, Beton On Fire bracelets and the official event's chronometer in the products section of the World Slalom Series Facebook page!

The Inline Games return !
The last Berlin Inline Games event was held in 2012 in the status of the European Freestyle Skating Championships. This year, Inline Games came back to Berlin! 125 skaters from 19 countries challenged each other in Speed Slalom, Freestyle Classic, Freestyle Battle, Freestyle Slides and Free Jump categories. Here are the winners of this famous 3 cones event!

The new time trial WSSA World Record by Pedram Ranjbar !!!
Marshal Cup is the first prime event in Iran, which is taking place on August, 11-12, in Tehran. The Junior bronze medalist of the WFSC 2015, Pedram Ranjbar (Aut) made a new time trial WSSA world record in the Men's category! He performed 4,121 sec which is faster than the last one, achieved by Brivio Savio (Ita) in 2012, during the Busto Battle (4,184 sec)! The record was officially recognised by WSSA and Head Judge.

New video : Paris Slalom World Cup 2016
Enjoy the best moments of the PSWC 2016, which was held on July 21st - 24th in the Gymnase de la Plaine (Paris 15).

New names on the PSWC trophy!
The Paris Slalom World Cup 2016 was held in the end of July, in Paris, France. This year, 179 skaters from 24 countries did their best to get the victory and to write their names on the PSWC trophy.

New video : Alexandre Claris X Bordeaux
Enjoy the new video, shot in Bordeaux and starring Alexandre Claris! This time, Alex explores his hometown, using his custom skates!

2016 PSWC Speed Slalom victory and new WSSA World Record for Cristina Rotunno !!!
The triple European Champion, Cristina Rotunno from Italy got her very first PSWC victory! She was the fastest during the qualification (4, 685 sec) and won the PSWC Speed Slalom final for the first time in her career! She also made a new KO WSSA world record in the Women's category!

New video : Slalom Roller Trip to Veracruz Mexico
Enjoy the skating ambience of the new video from Carolina Villavicencio and Ricardo Batiz. Mexican slalom skaters came to Veracruz to share their slalom performance.

Savio Brivio under 4 seconds !?
The Men's Speed Slalom world record should be beaten soon! The 2014 Speed Slalom World Champion, Savio Brivio from Italy, unofficially beat his own Free Start WSSA world record in the Men's category!

New video : Skating in Olympic park
Pavel Hajek has been skating with many great Korean skaters in the famous Olympic park for the past couple of years. Feel the atmosphere of this mythical skating spot in his video edit.

New video : Roller Poker
Crazy freestyle and freeskate tricks on the poker table! Enjoy this original video from Russian skaters, made by Alexander Baskakov!

The Women's Speed Slalom times continue to improve!
During the first main event of this year, which was held in Korean Namwon on April, the last Free Start WSSA world record in the Women's category was unofficially beaten twice in a row.

New video : Angry Girl (Sofia Bogdanova - Profile)
Never anger a slalom skater! In the new video, made by Alexander Baskakov, we can see the two different characters of the triple Junior European Champion, Sofia Bogdanova, and both are great!

New video : Madrid #LIVELIFENICE
Victor Mazacotte and Plinio Rezende are skating together in this impressive video, directly from Madrid. Enjoy!

New video : Wilton Cruz in Salvador
Discover Salvador in this summer video, starring Brazilian skater, Wilton Cruz. Make the sightseeing even more interesting thanks to your skates.

Maryna Boiko : at the top of the world again !
The World Champion 2010 and triple Vice European Champion (2011, 2013 and 2014), Maryna Boiko (Ukr) is still in the game! The Classic victory of the Namwon Korea Open brought her back at the top of the Women's Freestyle World Ranking!

Alexander Timchenko at the top of the Speed Slalom World Ranking!
Alexander Timchenko (Rus) successfully started his 2016 skating season! Thanks to his triple victory of the first main event of this year, which was held in Namwon, Korea, he went up directly to the first place of the Men's Speed Slalom World Ranking!

New video : Rodrigo Mori Soto, Profile 2016
Enjoy the sightseeing in Lima, Peru with Rodrigo Mori Soto, who presents his very first profile video.

Lily Granjon made a new WSSA world record!
The local competition Acrocéan took place in Pornichet, France, at the end of March. During this one-cone event, Lily Granjon from France made a new Free Start WSSA world record in the Women's category!

Namwon Korea Open 2016 : Triple victory for Alexander Timchenko
The first main event of 2016 was held on April 22nd to 24th, in Namwon (Korea). Alexander Timchenko started his competing season, winning all three main disciplines in a row : Classic, Battle and Speed.

New video : Freestyle Sliders Episode 2
Let's spend one amazing skating day with the Freestyle Sliders Team in their fresh video!

Sergey Timchenko : the recovery
The current world number one, who was injured in the end of the 2015 season, shares some news about his injury and his rehabilitation.