Lily Granjon made a new WSSA world record!

The local competition Acrocéan took place in Pornichet, France, at the end of March. During this one-cone event, Lily Granjon from France made a new
Free Start WSSA world record in the Women's category, beating with a time 4,674 sec the last one, which was achieved by Lo Pei-Yu (Tpe) during the SSO 2014 in Shanghai (4, 683 sec)! First, the
new record was officially recognised by the French Federation of Roller Sports as the new record of France and then the World Slalom Skaters Association confirmed the new world record! Lily
shares her emotions and thoughts in the following interview :
P.S. What does it feel like to break the world record?
Lily. I can't describe this feeling, I'm now a real part of the freestyle slalom history ! I couldn't expect the better season's start with my new SEBA 3x110 frames.
P.S. Did you expect to make a new record?
Lily. It was unexpected for me! I'm really proud and it pushes me to train harder.
P.S. Do you train a lot for the moment?
Lily. Yes, I was training a lot in this period in order to be ready for the first event of the year.
P.S. What are your objectives for the new season?
Lily. I will try to do my best as usual, having fun with my skates and why not breaking another world record ahah!
P.S. Some words you want to say to the skaters?
Lily. Good luck to everyone in the new season! I hope you'll all break your own records this year! Train hard and see you soon !
Polina Semenova for
Photo by Pierre Célat
April 2016