The Busto Battle winners 2016!

The 5th European main event 2016 was held in Busto Arsizio in the first weekend of October. More than 100 best international skaters were competing for the victory in all the main disciplines.
The current world number one, Sergey Timchenko (Rus), got the double Senior Men's Freestyle victory (Battle + Classic) for the third year in a row! Italian skater, Alessandro Lissoni won both Junior Men's freestyle disciplines, Battle and Classic for the first time in his career! This is his first main victory and his best result so far! Sofia Bogdanova (Rus) came back to the competitions and won the Junior Women's Battle directly! Olga Bamatter-Rodriguez (Rus) took the first place of the Junior Women's Classic discipline, improving her last year's results when she was only the third. The current world number one, Daria Kuznetsova (Rus) won the Senior Women's Classic for the third year in a row! Ksenia Dubinchik (Rus) got her very first main victory in the Battle! This year, she has already won the Classic competition during the Rollerclub Cup in Moscow and this time she was the strongest in the Battle!
"The first place in the Busto Battle was very unexpected for me, so i am very happy about my result", Ksenia said, "To be honest, even after the prize giving ceremony I could not believe that it actually happened. After the last year's World Championships, I was training very hard, but I still did not expect such a good result. I started this season with not the best results, so it's good to see that I continue to improve my skills. Of course, I want to thank everyone who supported me and all people who helped me throughout this year! Especially i am very thankful to my coach, Anzhelika Babiy."

The European Champion 2015, Cristina Rotunno (Ita) was the fastest during the qualification (4,682 sec) and won the Senior Women's Speed Slalom big final against Barbara Bossi (Ita). Lily Granjon (Fra) showed the best qualification time (4,698 sec) and took the first place in the Junior Women's Speed Slalom discipline, repeating her result from 2014! Enrico La Volpe (Ita) won the Junior Men's Speed Slalom final in front of Roberto Ferrari (Ita). This is his first main victory and his very best result! Lorenzo Guslandi (Ita) won the Senior Men's Speed Slalom final for the first time in his career! This is his first big Speed Slalom victory ever!
"I'm so happy about this result!" Lorenzo shared his emotions, "Honestly it was so unexpected for me! Even if I show the great results in Speed Slalom through this year (better than ever!), I still spend the most of my training time, focusing in the style slalom discipline. I suppose that my daily body workout helped me to reach to this goal; I became faster, cleaner between the cones and stronger than last year.
Busto Speed Slalom competition was hard, as there were many great skaters as Jimmy Fort, Savio Brivio, Gian Marco Rosato and Diego Araujo! My only idea was to be as fastest as i could and to do no penality and this worked in the best way!"

The current world numbers one, Russians, Denis Shirobokov and Natalia Krykova did great and won the Men's and Women's Slides competitions respectively.
Alexandre Fantuz (Fra) improved his result from the last year and got the first place of the Men's Free Jump contest with a jump of 135cm. The World number one, Maeliss Conan (Fra) performed a 116cm jump and got the first place, improving the last year's result when she was second.
Polina Semenova for
October 2016