Pan Yu Shuo : "The most important aim for me is "to be the champion”

The current Speed Slalom World Champion and the Vice-World Champion 2015, Pan Yu Shuo, sharing his memories of the last World Championships and his thoughts about the upcoming season.
"Of course, I thought about the victory", Pan Yu Shuo said. "The most important aim for me is "to be the champion” and I think it is quite difficult. For the WFSC, I did not do so well during the time trials as I felt a little pressure after the pre-qualification runs. But every success brought me the confidence to move on.
I really loved how my teammates gave me the endless support and encouragement. When I finally won I was so enjoying the moment of the victory. I remember my own big shouting, my team's cheer and the audience support.
Next season, I plan to lose some weight to enhance my stability. I would like to keep my title and to progress even more. Whether it is speed slalom or freestyle classic."

Polina Semenova for
Thanks to Carroll Wong
Photo by Chiu Yin-Hsuan and WSSA
February 2017