Updates and Changes Overview
The new edition of the WSSA Ruleset is officially published. The WSSA Rules were updated with some changes, mostly in the Classic Freestyle Slalom section, and some additions for all other disciplines. To get the full information, don't forget to check the new rulebook after reading the article.
Classic Freestyle Slalom
The main changes touched the Classic Freestyle Slalom discipline.
The "freestyle footwork" criterion was added to the the Technical score. The difficulty, speed and variety of movements performed will lead to a higher technical mark. Basic or simple freestyle footwork will lead to a decrease of the technical mark.
The minimum number of validated tricks for the performance is now 8 (in different families and in any proportions)! If the skater performs less tricks (or less than 8 successfully performed tricks) - he will be penalized by Judge in Variety mark of Technique.
The score grading was also changed. The maximum score for the Classic Freestyle Slalom competition is now 130 points. There are 2 components to this grading. The Technique score is from 10 to 60 points and the Artistic score is from 0 to 70 points. The final score is rounded off to the nearest decimal to determine the final result.
The trick's performance will be judged more thoroughly. Tricks and transitions should be done by the skater clearly and precisely. If a Judge has any doubts about trick execution (quality of trick, tapping, number of cones or spins, touching the ground during the jumps, losing trajectory etc) - they will not validate the trick or transition and count only the part which was correctly performed.
Pair Classic Freestyle Slalom
There will be some changes for the score as well. The maximum score for the Pair Classic Freestyle Slalom competition is now 200 points. There are 3 components to this grading. The maximum Technique score is 60 points, the maximum Artistic score is 70 points and the maximum synchronization score is 70 points. The final score is rounded off to the nearest decimal to determine the final result.
Speed Slalom
The height of the gate sensor was refined. During qualifying rounds, the start line gate sensor must be set 40cm (+/- 2cm) above ground and finish line gate sensors also must be set 20cm (+/- 2cm) above ground.
During the final rounds, there is no start line gate sensors and the finish line gate sensors must be set 20cm (+/- 2cm) above ground.
Free Jump
The Free Jump rules were officially added to the WSSA 2017 RULESET.
Polina Semenova for WorldSlalomSeries.com
February 2017