Last update July 14th 2022

Polina Semenova is the first Russian skater to reach the first place of the world ranking. Here is a short interview of the new freestyle slalom World N.#1...

Klaudia Hartmanis was still unknown in the world scene of Freestyle Slalom one year ago, but she made quite an impression during the whole year, thanks to her fresh and energic style which is getting more original and mastered with time, and a good technical list which keeps on growing and getting more complex... read more

Yohan Fort has spent the three quarters of his life living for his passion: Skating. He’s experienced it in as many ways as possible, having a go at various specialties all through the years. However, one in particular caught his attention: Speed Slalom... read more ...

Marina Boyko (UKR)
She's got her hair short and orange, she's got smurf-blue FR1 skates, and she is the most senior
international competitor in Freestyle Slalom. But she is also – and above all – the new World Number 1 at the WSSA Ranking (...)
During last winter, thanks to the magic formula [super skating basics] + [daily indoors training], she turned into a frightening wheeling machine, whose technique makes most competitors green with envy!!

Kirill 'ReKiL' Ryazantsev
ReKiL is part of the first generation of Russian Freestylers. (...)
But he is not just a common ordinary representative: he is none other than the current World Champion in Slides! (...)
Skating is [his] life... This sounds like the motto of an obsessional skating nerd. But in fact, he managed to create a multitude
of dimensions to skating, and turned it into a colossal project with far-reaching interests: (...)

Martin Sloboda (GER)
Martin Sloboda is the Discovery of Year 2009 (...)
We saw this unknown 15-year old German Kid rocketing in a few weeks, winning the European Championships in the early
Season, collecting first places all through the year, and finally reaching the Top of the World Ranking in August at the end of the Season. (...)
Here is an interview with the current WSSA World #1 in Freestyle Slalom...

Kim Sung Jin (KOR)
Behind his quietness which could easily be mistaken for shyness, hides a kind and modest young man who has revolutionized Slalom-skating: hard to realize that this guy invented all in a row Korean Spins and Sevens (…and more!) – Super-popular must-do tricks… and this after one year of slalom-skating only … at the age of 13! (...)

Fanny Violeau (FRA)
« Hello, my name is Fanny Violeau, I live in La Rochelle, I’m 18, and I’m a Freestyle Slalom Skater. » (...)
Apart from this hit-video, Fanny is known for her disconcerting gift for sitting tricks, her speed – in speed slalom as well as in freestyle knitting, and her exuberance which could wake the dead.
Here is an interview with the Swallow of the SebaTeam!

Viktor Meleshkevich (RU)
Viktor is Russian. He is from this port town on the Black Sea called Nooorossiysk... a town where you can see cats flying when it’s windy! (...) He’s one of the main actors of this new wave of mad Russian freestylers who constantly push further the technical challenge.
Viktor is the current #28 at the WSSA World Ranking (August 2009). He is also the 2008 Russian Champion in Classic Freestyle

Naomi Grigg (UK)
She’s a freestyle skater above all. (...) Yes, she is a freestyler, as a competitor, as a demonstrator, and as an instructor (...)
Naomi is also demanded all over the world to do freestyle and slalom shows as well as freestyle workshops…

Jireh Goh (SIN)
Jireh is Singaporean. And in Singapore the favorite skating sports, it’s Sliding! (...) In Asia, Slide is part of the freestyle skating sports; it even belongs to the Classics in competition (...) And Jireh is the newly sacred WSSA World Champion in Slide (...)

Tiziano Ferrari (ITA)
The 20-year old Italian skater is probably the more Asian of the European Freestylers – when talking about style (...)
And not only is he a confirmed freestyle slalom skater (#7 at the March ’09 WSSA World Ranking), but he is also quite good at speed slalom: (...) in Moscow (March ’09) he reaches place #1 in the World Ranking!

Chloé Seyrès (FRA)
It’s useless to introduce Chloé Seyrès to the international slalom-skating scene. What’s the point of a new interview, then? Every two years seemed to be a good rhythm to update news… all the more so as the champion has added wins to her credits since then...

Terence & Clarence Cheung (SIN)
They are two brothers. They are both devils for freestyle skating...
...and they reign supreme over the Singaporean Freestyle scene, exchanging the first and the second national places depending on the year
Here we go for a brief interview!

Pierre Kunnemann (GER)
Maybe his name is unknown to you, but probably that “The Apache 2.1” will ring you a bell… The stylish freestyler of the 2008 Youtube Secret Talents, that’s him!
He is one of those who advocate style for style's sake: visual harmony and feeling of freedom above all.

Polina Semenova (RUS)
She is the present world number 3 at the WSSA World Ranking. She may be quiet, but she’s none the less talented. Her speciality? Compasses… extensions and evolutions, of which she makes the most in every possible way.
Here is a little flash-back on her skating development till today…

Here is an interview of Igor Cheremetieff, the current number 1 at the WSSA World Ranking in Freestyle Slalom Skating. Let’s turn back time and listen to him talking
about his debuts, his development, and all the way he went till now. Let’s penetrate his mind and learn a bit about his perception of the discipline.
No doubt y ou will find some interesting facts to satisfy your curiosity!…

Rudy Op't Veld (GER)
Unnoticed at the Paris Slalom World Cup ’07 (May) in the Amateur Category, Rudy’s performance at Battle UK II : Attack of the Cones, only six months later (October ’07), was much more striking: he finishes 2nd of the Freestyle Battle! Not that bad – and quite promising – for a guy who started skating only one year before…